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The objective of this lesson is for the participant to understand how to access to the Performance Guideline window,  review and make edits.

At the end of this lesson, the user should be able to review and update the Performance Guideline data.

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Table of Contents

In this example, we  modify the Performance Guideline data by performing the steps below:

1. Open the Maintenance Manager Performance Guideline window: Maintenance Manager > Planning > Setup > Performance Guidelines.

How to Make a Local Performance Guideline

2. Right-click on the activity of interest (in the Activities pane) you will created a local performance guideline for and select Override Parent Setup. Your admin. unit will now be shown in the Organizational Unit column and data in the Labor, Equipment, Material, and Calendar panes becomes editable.



After modifying and saving the new Performance Guidelines, the user (Sys. Admin or Super User) must run the system job that stores the new Performance Standards by year so they will be available in other windows of the system.

How to Revert to an Inherited Performance Guideline


This method will replace a local standard with that from the nearest parent in the organizational hierarchy


5. Right-click on the activity with a local performance guideline (in the  Activities pane) and select Revert to Parent Setup. 

6. Click the Reload button to refresh the page. The Performance The Performance Guidelines from the current Organizational Unit's nearest parent is now the Performance Guideline for the selected activity.


Calculating Unit Cost in the Performance Guidelines Window


Note: These screenshots reflect a previous version.

The unit costs for Performance Guidelines are updated in one of three ways depending on the requirements of your particular agency. One of the methods is by utilizing historical work order costs. The other two involve the use of system jobs. These methods are summarized below.

Method 1: Using Historical Work Order Costs

1.Right-click on the activity of interest (in the Activities pane) and select Show Cost Aggregation. This displays the Cost Aggregation window.


5. When the Update Statewide Performance Guideline command is executed, the system updates the following columns in the Activity pane of the Performance Guidelines window (with the costs shown in the Cost Aggregation window): Labor Costs ($); Equipment Costs ($); Material Costs ($); and Unit Cost ($).-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Method 2: Run The “Fill QG Labor and Material Costs” System Job

This system job (only run by the Sys Admin) applies to inherited Performance Guideline records. The job replaces the detailed labor and material costs in the Resources panes with the actual averages found in employee data and material inventory data respectively. The updating of these detailed unit costs then adjusts the values in the two read-only columns Labor Unit Costs for My Admin Unit and Material Unit Costs for My Admin Unit in the Activities pane. See sample screenshot.



This job does not update the overall unit cost. If desired, you may accomplish this by using the Calculate Costs command


Method 3: Run The “Update LEM Activity Standard Costs” System Job

For all Performance Guideline records, this system job (run by the Sys Admin) fills the unit cost in each of the Resources panes with the unit cost values for the labor class code and equipment class code as well as the cost value for the master material unit for materials. It then fills the labor, equipment, and material unit costs in the Activities pane from the data in the Resources pane (the same way that the Calculate Costs command does).
