- Comments: This column allows you to enter additional information. Typically, this is a description of the material or what the ID code means.
- Pavement Type: This column indicates the surface type with which the work activity is concerned.
- RSC for Thick Pvmnt: This column shows the road structure category (RSC) associated with the work activity when the pavement is thick if the RSC for thick pavement is different than that for thin pavement.
- RSC for Thin Pvmnt: This column shows the road structure category associated with the work activity when the pavement is thin.
- Thickness: This column shows the pavement thickness that is the threshold between thin pavement and thick pavement if the RSC for thick pavement is different than that for thin pavement.
- Work Code Name: This column shows the user-defined identification code for each work activity.
Work Type: This column shows the work type assigned to the work activity. See Work Code for the available work types and descriptions.
Note Note: Models are only developed from data when the work type is "rehabilitation" or "reconstruction."