Note: All the calculated columns and right-click commands that make use of Performance Guidelines are based on the stored Performance Guidelines for the plan year selected at the top of the Plan Matrix window (not just those saved in the Performance Guidelines window). The calculations and effects of right-click commands therefore cannot be guaranteed to reflect the information shown in the Performance Guidelines window unless the stored information matches what is currently in the Performance Guidelines window. Performance Guidelines are stored by system job. Please contact your System Administrator if you need to store Performance Guidelines and you do not have the authority to run system jobs.

The Plan Matrix window allows you to see and edit the work amounts planned as person-days required to fulfill work activities. The Plan Matrix window can be used as an interactive leveling tool to ensure the quantity of work scheduled across various activities in your plan does not exceed the FTE (full-time equivalent) resources that will be available to execute it.

You estimate the level of effort based upon:

These two columns can then be used in one of the following ways:

If your agency uses the first or second approach, then the top-pane column identified in the table below can be ignored or hidden. (See Plan Matrix Window#topic_Plan_Pane_Description_PlanMatrix for the description of the columns.)


Use "Total Cost ($)"

Use "Per Days From Cost"

Use Both Columns

The 12 "month" columns

Can be hidden



Total Per Days

Can be hidden




Can be hidden

Can be hidden


Per Days from Cost


Can be hidden


Total Cost ($)


Can be hidden


Cost Man Days

Can be hidden





Can be hidden