In the Construction History window, you can view, edit, and modify data related to work performed on pavements. Data is recorded in this window by the limits of the work as it was performed on the road. The Construction History window contains the following information:

As with other database windows, the limits for a project do not have to coincide with the limits of any pavement management sections. This is because the software will automatically apply pavement structure information to pavement management sections when the master files are calculated. The window allows you to view pavement projects exactly where they occur. The system then uses an algorithm to build the entire road structure for all mileage based on the construction history information.

The Construction History window contains the following panes: Construction History Sections, Section Locations, and Material Layer Information.

Construction History Sections Pane

The Construction History Sections pane contains information about a constructed section of road such as route, project limits, contract number, construction date, and a physical description of the project.

Sections Location Pane

For the construction history section displayed (or selected) in the Construction History Sections pane, this pane shows the location(s) where the construction work was performed.

Right-click this pane to see a shortcut menu. This menu contains the common commands along with the following special commands:

Material Layer Information Pane

The Material Layer Information pane shows the layers placed or constructed during the contract shown (or selected) in the upper pane. You use this pane to add, modify, or delete individual layer information, which includes layer number, material code, and thickness. Layers are ordered with the smallest layer number on top. The Layer ID number can be any two-digit number other than 99.

Right-click this pane to see a shortcut menu. This menu contains the common commands.