Note: Labor Day Cards from equipment repair orders cannot be edited, inserted, deleted, or approved in this window. These Day Cards and their associated equipment repair orders can only be viewed. Consequently, for fleet personnel, only overhead Day Cards can be entered, deleted, edited, or approved in this window.

Right-click an employee's record in the Inventory tab and select Timesheet to open the Timesheet Display window. This window shows which work orders the employee is assigned to during the selected pay period. The shown work orders are based upon both approved and unapproved Day Cards.
The time sheet is composed of the following elements:

Note: Hours based on unapproved Day Cards can be changed. They are changed by clicking the displayed hours and typing a new amount. When the time sheet is saved, the Day Card from which the hours are taken is updated.

When you right-click this window, the common commands are available. However, the Insert command works slightly different than is usual. When you select this command, the system displays a new window. This window shows the work orders that represent the overhead activities (as selected in your labor activity shortlist); the open work orders as shown in the Day Cards and Daily Log windows of any module; and the open work orders as shown in the Progress window of the Fleet Management module. Locate the work order you wish to add to the time sheet, click the row showing the order, and select OK. The selected work order will then be inserted and shown in the time sheet.

Also, an Insert Like command is available. This command works like Insert, except that the data in the Work Description column is copied to the new record. This allows you to select, and enter hours for, different TRC codes for a single work order.