Copy Window allows you to generate the scripts necessary to copy a window from one schema to another (or from one menu to a new menu). The system creates an Oracle SQL script that creates a specific window according to the defined parameters.

The Copy Window contains two parts. The upper part shows the parameters needed for generating the script to copy the window. The lower part of the window shows the resulting script that you can copy and run in a different instance to copy the window to that instance. The upper part of the window contains the following fields:

Note: This field may define an optional port number and SID for the Oracle server. This is done by separating the host name, port number, and SID with a colon (such as mydbhost:1521:mysid). If you do not use this syntax, then the system will automatically assume it should use the default port for Oracle (which is 1521) and use the host name as the SID. For example, entering the string agiledb will force the system to generate agiledb:1521:agiledb for the JDBC connection URL.

The Get Script command button causes the system to generate a script using the entered parameters and display it in the lower part of the window.