To navigate to the Network Gaps window, follow the steps below:

  1. Select System from the top banner menu
  2. Select LRS/GISĀ 
  3. Select Linear Network Tools
  4. Select Geometry
  5. Select Network Gaps

Gaps are portions of routes that are not valid locations, normally this is a hiatus or a gap in a contiguous route. In the example below, Route 114 has a gap between Measure 9.899 and 10.257.

In the window, the system will show the data like this:

The data is stored in NETWORK_GAPS table. When entering and editing data in the system through the front end, no other locations may be defined that span in whole or in part any location defined in this table, if the gap is not allowed for spanning.

NETWORK_GAPS Table Structure

Column Name



Data Type





A location reference for the "gap" within the route.




This is a flag column that indicates if the gap is a real physical gap or route measure gap. This allows the base LRS to handle "equations" where a single point has two different measures. This specifically becomes useful when the attribute data's "from" point and "to" point are on either side of the transaction mile point. The main application of this field is when one part of road is realigned and this realignment changes the milepoint of the routes.

NETWORK_GAPS Table Sample Data