You may need export a GIS layer to a Shapefile for organizational information sharing, response to a public request, or to satisfy legacy system requirements.

Export Layer to A Shapefile

To export a GIS map layer to as Shapefile, watch this training video or follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to GIS Explorer
  2. Open a map or a layer you would like to export
  3. Expand the list of layers by clicking on the map title bar to expand the list of layers.
  4. Click on the three vertical dots to the right of the layer name to expand the menu
  5. Click Export Layer
  6. In the Export Layer pop-up, select whether you would like to use the current coordinate system or reproject to another system
  7. Click Export
  8. A zip file with the same name as the layer will be saved in your web browser's download folder
  9. Extract the files from the zipped file to your desired location to get the suite of Shapefiles