This instruction is for downloading mainLog file that is needed to be attached to JIRA ticket.

  1. Navigate to System > Tools > Logs or set the window_id in the URL to window_id=system_log.
  2. Select mainLog.log and Download File option from right click menu.
  3. Open saved file.
  4. To reduce log file size delete not needed records. Usually logsĀ older thanĀ 5 minutes before issue and newer than 5 minutes after issue is not needed.
  5. In case you need to change logging level:
    5.1. Navigate to System > Setup > System Parameters or set the window_id in the URL to window_id=system_adm.
    5.2. On System pane select logging level to needed one.

    5.3. Save changes.
    5.4. Select Reload All Caches.
    5.5. Reproduce issue.
    5.6. Perform steps to download log file as described above.
  6. Attach logs to JIRA ticket.