To create a view, follow these steps:

  1. Display the Views window.
  2. In the Views tab, right-click and then click Insert. The application displays a dialog box so you may enter the internal name of the view.
  3. Type the name of the view in the dialog box. The convention for names is all upper case, no spaces.
  4. Click OK. The application closes the dialog box and inserts a new record in the Views tab. Also, if the view exists, then its SELECT portion is copied into the Source tab. (If the view does not exist, you will need to enter the syntax for the view's SELECT statement into the Source tab.)
  5. In the new record, optionally enter a display name for the view and any comments.
  6. Click the Source tab.
  7. In the Source tab, if necessary, enter the SQL that will produce the view. (If the view exists, this data may already be present.)

Note: All columns in the SELECT statement must have column names/aliases because the system automatically builds the view-definition portion of the view statement from the SELECT statement in the Source tab. If any column names/aliases are missing, then an error will occur when you select the Apply Changes command.

  1. Right-click the tab and then click Apply Changes. The application checks the SQL and, if valid, adds the view to the database. The view is now created.