The BOA Transaction (BOAT) window allows you to directly insert a new transaction record by using the Insert command. You can also use Delete in the right-click  menu to remove a BOAT record.

This window displays all BOAT transactions by listing data related to the following columns: Fiscal Year, Administrative Unit, Appr Object, Expenditure Category ID, Current Funds available, Expenditure ID, Purchase Date, Receive Date, Obligated Invoice Amount, Invoice Adjustment Amount, Total Expended Amount, Quantity, Posting Date, Open or Closed status, Transaction Source, Expenditure Description, Equipment Category, and others.

Note: Only transactions that were created in the BOA Transaction (BOAT) window can be modified. Records created in windows other than the BOA Transaction (BOAT) window must be modified within the window that it was created in.

Create a BOAT Record

  1. Open the BOA Transaction (BOAT) window.
  2. Right-click in the window, and select Insert. A new row is inserted.
  3. Select the Fiscal Year drop-down, and select the year of interest.
  4. Select the Administrative Unit drop-down, and select the Admin Unit.
  5. Select the Appr Object drop-down, and choose an appropriation object.
  6. Select the Expenditure Category ID, and select a category ID.
  7. Select the Expenditure Object ID, and select an object ID.
  8. Modify the Purchase Date (if applicable) and Date Received by selecting the Calendar Icons and selecting the appropriate dates.
  9. Enter the dollar amount into the Obligated Invoice Amount field (if applicable)
  10. Enter the dollar amount into the Invoice Adjustment Amount field (if applicable).
  11. Enter the quantity into the Quantity field (if applicable). Then, populate all other fields that are valid.
  12. When all records are entered, select Save Date to save the record.

Transactions in this window can be filtered based on the user’s preference. To filter data, use the following steps:

  1. Select the Select Fiscal Year dropdown, and choose the year.
  2. Select the Select Transaction Type dropdown and choose a transaction type.
  3. Select the Select AObj dropdown, and select the AObj.