You can use this window to enter equalization (expanded) hours for employees who have worked overtime. (This means that if 2 hours of overtime is offered at double time, you must enter 4 hours). Labor time added to a work order day card at the overtime rate will automatically expand.

This window has 2 panes: The top pane shows the names of employees that are listed in the Work Orders Labor shortlist pane, and the bottom pane is where you can add information when an employee has allocated overtime hours.

Add overtime allocation hours for an employee

  1. Open the Overtime Allocation window.
  2. In the top pane, highlight the name of the employee that has the overtime hours.
  3. Right-click in the bottom pane, and select Insert. The system adds a new row with the employee’s name.
  4. Select the Effective Date Calendar icon, and select the date when the employee worked the overtime hours.
  5. Enter the (overtime) hours in the Equalization Hour field.
  6. Add your comments into the Comments field (if applicable).
  7. Select Save Data to save the record when finished.
Note: You can use the right-click Delete menu option to remove overtime allocation hours logged for an employee.