The Ownership Fields Cross Walk window allows you to create an Administrative Unit cross-walk record using the Insert command. This window displays the following information: Administrative Unit, Assigned Organization, External ID, BRESP, Property Cntl Loc Cd, Fuel Account #, and a Comments field (optional) that can be used to provide additional information if needed. You can also use the right-click Delete menu option to remove an Ownership Fields Cross Walk record.

Create a New Ownership Fields Cross Walk record

  1. Open the Ownership Fields Cross Walk window.
  2. Right-click in the window and select Insert. The system adds a new row.
  3. Select the Administrative Unit drop-down, and choose an Admin unit.
  4. Select the BRESP drop-down, and select the right code.
  5. Select the Property Cntl Loc Cd drop-down, and select the Property Cntl Loc Cd.
  6. Select the Fuel Account # drop-down, and select the right Fuel Account.
  7. Add comments in the Comments field (if applicable).
  8. Select Save Data to save the record when finished.
  9. After saving the newly created record, select Retrieve Data to refresh the page. Once the data is refreshed, the Assigned Organization and External ID columns are automatically populated