Work Orders can be shared with one or multiple administrative units. This allows you to specify one or more admins who can work on their work order.

Share an Existing Work Order

To share an existing work order with a different admin unit than the one already assigned, follow the steps below:

Note: You must be logged in as an admin unit who has access to the work order to make this change.

  1. If you are not already in the Maintenance Manager module, navigate to it
  2. Select Operations
  3. Select Work Orders
  4. Select Create New/In Progress
  5. Right-click on the work order that you would like to share and choose Share with Admin Unit
  6. A pop-up will open
  7. Click the check box next to the admin unit with which you would like to share the work order
    Check multiple boxes to share with multiple admin units
  8. Click OK
  9. The pop-up will close and your changes are now saved

To verify that the admin unit has been given access, you can either log into it yourself if you have access or contact the owner of the admin unit and ask them to verify that they now see the work order in their Create New/In Progress screen.

Create a Work Order to Share

To create and share a work order through the Day Cards Window, follow the steps below:

  1. If you are not already in the Maintenance Manager module, navigate to it
  2. Select Roadway
  3. Select Progress
  4. Select Day Cards
  5. Create the work order as you normally would
  6. Right-click the work order you just created and choose Share with Admin Unit
  7. A pop-up will open
  8. Click the check box next to the admin unit with which you would like to share the work order
    Check multiple boxes to share with multiple admin units
  9. Click OK
  10. The pop-up will close and your changes are now saved

Complete a Shared Work Order

Once all resources have been recorded for a Work Order and no more work is to be charged to Work Order, you can close the Work Order by following the steps below:

Note: Only the user who created the shared Work Order can complete it. It is recommended the user who created it verify all the Accomplishments with other admin units before completing it.

  1. If you are not already in the Maintenance Manager module, navigate to it
  2. Select Roadway
  3. Select Progress
  4. Select Completion
  5. Highlight the work order you want to complete
  6. Verify that the date shown in the Show Complete from column is correct
    If it needs to be updated, scroll to the Completion column, click on the calendar icon, and select the desired date
  7. Verify that all day cards for the work order are approved in the lower pane
    The work order cannot be closed with unapproved day cards
    To approve all unapproved day cards, select the work order in the top pane and right-click and select Approve All
  8. Click the check-box in the Completion column
  9. Click Save

The work order is now complete and will no longer show in any of the active work order windows in the system. To locate it again, you will need to go to the Completion window.