This module is still under development. More information will be added as it becomes available.
Asset Types Inventory
The Assets Types Inventory page manages all storm water and hydraulic asset inventories as well as inspection scheduling and work request creation.
The left sliding pane lists all available asset types. Selecting one or several asset types from this list will populate the asset inventory pane with the relevant assets. This list can be filtered by District, County, or Route by selecting an option from one or more of the drop-down menus.
The bottom pane shows the same assets on the Storm Water Map. When an asset is selected from the asset inventory pane it is shown on the map and vice versa.
To narrow the Assets being shown you can zoom in on the map. Some asset types are only visible beyond a certain zoom level.
Click on an asset to select it. You can also select several assets to act on at once. Once selected you can click Issue Work Request or Schedule Inspection.
Issue Work Request
Select one or more assets and then click Issue Work Request. The Insert Work Request pop-up window will appear with the following fields:
- WR#: The Work Request Number is automatically generated by the system. This field cannot be changed.
- WR Status: Select a status option from the drop-down menu.
- Asset: The Asset Number matches the asset you selected from the inventory screen. This field cannot be changed.
- Description: This is an open text field in which you can enter a description of your work request.
- User Update: This field will display your username. This field cannot be changed.
- Administrative Unit: The administrative unit associated with the selected asset. This field cannot be changed.
- Asset Type: The type of asset you selected to create a work order for. This field cannot be changed.
- Work Request Name: An editable text field in which you can create a name for your work request.
- Comments: An editable text field in which you can enter additional comments as needed.
- Date Updated: Automatically populated with today's date. This field cannot be changed.
- Assigned Admin Unit: Select the correct Admin Unit from the drop-down menu.
- Reported Date / Time: Automatically populated with the current date and time. This field cannot be changed.
- Work Request Type: Select the type of work request you are creating from the drop-down menu.
- Att.: Click in this field to attach images or documents to your work request.
Once you have completed all necessary fields, click OK to issue your work request.
A green Save Successful banner will appear at the top of the page to let you know that your work request was successful.
Schedule Inspection
Select one or more assets and then click Schedule Inspection. A pop-up window will appear asking you to confirm how many assets you would like to create an inspection for.
to confirm and the inspection will be created.Click
to close the pop-up without creating an inspection.Setup
The Setup drop-down menu directs you to the creation pages for many of the asset attributes you will need to complete work requests and inspections of Storm Water assets.
Select which of the following you would like to setup or edit from the drop-down menu:
- Inlet Class Codes
- Manhole Class Codes
- Pipe Class Codes
- Structure (SW) Class Codes
- Outfall Class Codes
- Inlet Status
- Manhole Status
- Pipe Status
- Structure (SW) Status
- Outfall PM By Class Code
- Drop Inlet PM By Inventory
- Manhole PM By Inventory
- Manhole PM by Class Code
- Basin PM by Inventory
- Basin PM by Class Code
- Outfalls PM by Inventory
- Outfall Status
- Drop Inlets PM by Class Code
- Priority
- Inspection Frequency Rules
This will take you to the action page for that attribute.
Right click or Control+click on the Actions pane on the right to add, delete, sort, or find an attribute.
Click Save before
before navigating away from the page or your changes will not be saved.