Equipment is classified by type in a hierarchical arrangement. Each type is assigned a code. The Class Code window is where the codes are created and maintained and the hierarchical arrangement is defined.
To access the Class Code window, follow the steps below:
- Click Inventory in the top banner menu
- Hover over Inventory Related Items in the drop-down menu
- Click Class Code in the drop-down menu
The Class Code window contains two panes: on the left, a tree view that shows the hierarchical arrangement of the codes; and, on the right, a table view that provides information about each code. The tree view can be opened by clicking
or collapsed by clicking .When an equipment type is selected in the tree view, the record corresponding to that item is highlighted in the table on the right. Selecting a record also selects a node in the tree view. Right-click a row in the table view pane or a node in the tree view to display the shortcut menu of the following command functions:
- Add Branch: Adds a new, subordinate node to the tree view and a corresponding row in the table view. See Insert a New Equipment Class Code for more information.
- Delete: Removes the node
- Find: Opens a pop-up search window
- Select This: Checks the box to the left of this node
- Select All: Checks the boxes for all nodes
- Select Visible Items: Checks the boxes for all visible nodes
- Deselect This: Unchecks the box for this node
- Deselect All: Unchecks the boxes for all nodes
- Deselect Visible Items: Unchecks the boxes for all visible nodes
- Tag Record: Bookmarks the current record so that it remains highlighted