The maintenance management system is divided by asset type. These are the different assets (signs, road sections, buildings, traffic signals, etc.) that are owned by your administrative unit. Inventory data can be collected for each asset type. Inventory data is divided into classes and assigned a status. For example, a road section (an inventory item) may be an Interstate road (the class) and may be active (the status).

Since periodic maintenance (PM) is a key requirement for all items in inventory, the system provides two ways to configure PM. You can configure PM for a particular class of an asset type or you can configure PM for a particular inventory item. For example, you could configure PM for all Interstate road sections (that is, by class) or you could configure PM for only Interstate I-40 between mileposts 209.2 and 210.3 (that is, by a particular inventory item).

The following graphic shows an example menu where PM settings can be found:

Your menu options will vary depending on what asset types your company manages in Maintenance Manager.

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