The Asset Type window contains two panes: on the left, a tree view that shows the hierarchical arrangement of the asset types; on the right, a table view that provides additional information about each asset type. The tree view is expanded by clicking the plus sign ( + ) , or contracted by clicking the minus sign (–).
When you select an asset type in the tree view pane, the record corresponding to that node is highlighted and displayed in the table on the right. Selecting a record in the table also selects a node in the tree view.
For some implementations, the table shows a Location Applicable column. This column contains a check box that determines whether the inventory table requires a location to be specified for each item in inventory. If the check box contains a check mark, a location is required. (If this column is not displayed and is needed, it may be made visible and editable via Design Mode.)
When you right-click a node in the tree view pane, the system displays a shortcut menu. This menu contains the following command in addition to the common commands:
- Add Branch: This command adds a new, subordinate node to the tree view and a corresponding record in the table view. See Create an Asset Type for the procedure on how to add an asset type.
When you right-click a record in the table view pane, the system displays a shortcut menu. This menu contains the following commands in addition to the common commands:
- Add Branch: This command adds a new, subordinate node to the tree view and a corresponding record in the table view. See Create an Asset Type for the procedure on how to add an asset type.
- Edit PM Trigger: This command allows you to select what events will be used to trigger periodic maintenance (PM) activities for this asset type. The PM triggers entered here appear in the drop-down list in the PM by Inventory and PM by Class Codes windows. See Create PM Triggers for more information on what triggers are available and how they are associated with the asset type.