What's New
New Features and Enhancements
Maintenance Manager
In the Work Orders window, users now have the ability to select a Cost Specific field related to the Cost Type and enter a Amount Used when creating a Cost Day Card. These fields are also available in Work Manager.
A Cost Specific window has also been added that allows users to set a Cost Type for each cost detail record.
Users will now be prevented from adding a new Time Entry Day Card for the same date, employee, and code combination(s) for which a Labor Day Card has already been approved. To edit or delete the Time Entry card, the linked Labor Day Card must first be unapproved.
When the TimeEntryforLaborDayCards and the SyncHoursFromTimeEntry feature toggles are both On, the following features are now enabled:
When either the TimeEntryForLaborDaycards or the SyncHoursFromTimeEntry feature toggles are On, the following features are now enabled in the Create Work Orders window:
- Make Day Cards menu item or button now excludes creation of Labor Day Cards
- Completely Remake Day Cards menu item or button now excludes the deletion of existing Labor Day Cards and the follow-up Make Day Cards action
- Insert Like menu item is hidden on the Labor Day Cards pane
- subActivityId has been added to the workOrderDto
- subActivityId has been added to the ActivityLookupDto
- costSpecificId, comments, and amount fields have been added to the WorkOrdersCostsDaycardDto
- The V2 Material REST API (/rest/v2/mwm/material) now retrieves information about both the Available Quantity (availableQuantity) and Current Quantity (quantity) of each material stock bin
Structures Analyst
Risk Assessment
The new Risk Assessment feature allows users to assess and track the risk probability (%) and monetized risk value at the level of the individual structure and the network.
Out of the box, the system has 6 risk categories and 18 events with the probabilities for each already defined. Your System Admin can add more agency-specific risk categories and events as needed.
Life-Cycle Cost Analysis
The new Life-Cycle Cost Analysis (LCCA) feature allows the user to conduct LCCA from different treatment plans on any given structure. For any selected structure, users can define multiple treatment plans and then calculate both the Uniform Cost and the resulting performance. The results are also plotted on the graph so users can easily compare the cost and condition changes between the treatment plans.
Work Manager
Work Requests are now also available on phones.
Users now have the option of adding the location information from the original Work Order when duplicating Work Orders.
The Admin unit a user is logged into can easily be viewed on the menu pane.
Work Order dates can now be extended even after a Work Order has been synced. This is expected to ease tasks for field crew by allowing them to extend Work Order dates for extended work, without having to return to the office to sync their devices.
The activity and sub-activity functionality of Work Requests are now also available on Work Orders as well.
User can now select sub-activities during work order creation based on the selected Activity.
Day Cards
Cost Day Cards now have 3 new fields: Amount, Cost Specific, and Comments. The cost specific field allows for more granularity in classifying the cost type. The amount reflects the quantity incurred for that specific cost. These are configurable fields and can be hidden easily as needed.
Cost Day Cards can also accept a cost value of $0 now. This is also configurable. Without this configuration option, the cost would need to be non-zero.
Bound Maps
A new asset location edit feature was introduced whereby, point assets can be selected and their location edited on the map with ease. This is expected to make it easy for personnel in New York State to add new signal assets via the map.
Report Migration
Jaspersoft 4.x reports will be deprecated by 7.6.1. In preparation for that, a migration tool has been provided within the System module of the Web application. This migration tool allows for reports to be migrated from Jaspersoft 4.x to 6.x. A new role called Reports Admin has been introduced. Users assigned this role will be able to perform the report migration.
Other Improvements and Bug Fixes
- Added: In Maintenance Manager, the Work Orders window in the Standard MMS module now has horizontal and vertical sliders included in all panes and tabs to allow the user to size the window objects to their preferred layout.
- Added: In Work Manager, a User Friendly Route Names functionality has been added as a toggle option so that, if preferred, route names can be displayed without code formatting.
- Added: In Work Manager, the Available Quantity of material in stock bins does not rely on the Material Inventory view, now a direct lookup method is used for the Material Management window.
- Added: In Work Manager, when an Operator is selected on a newly or existing Equipment Day Card, a warning will be displayed if the Operator does not have a Labor Day Card or Time Entry Day Card for the same work date.
- Fixed: Issue in Fleet Maintenance Manager App has been resolved and an error message appears when a user tries to update an Activity that no longer exists.
- Fixed: Issue in Fleet Maintenance Manager App has been resolved and the correct error message now appears when a user exceeds the 12 character maximum length of the Direct Cost Vendor Work Order field.
- Fixed: Issue in Fleet Maintenance Manager App has been resolved and Warranty records no longer fail when the Warranty Rule or Argument fields are left blank.
- Fixed: Issue in iOS Materials Manager has been resolved and multiple pages of records and search results can now be navigated in the mobile app. (OKDOT)
- Fixed: Issue in Structures Analyst has been resolved and the component rating N no longer causes an error in the Performance Master window graphs.
- Fixed: Issue in Structures Analyst has been resolved and when adding treatments for any element of a bridge in the Master Work Plan window, the Treatment column is pre-filtered to only display treatments applicable to that element. (NVDOT)
- Fixed: Issue in Structures Analyst has been resolved and when entering a Plan Year for a work plan in the Master Work Plan window, there is no data validation for a reasonable Plan Year.
- Fixed: Issue in Structures Inspector has been resolved and drop-down menus are now functioning correctly in iOS.
Known Issues, Limitations, and Restrictions
- In Work Manager, when adding a new Work Request an error appears if the name is more than 20 characters long. (KYTC)
- In Signals, when selecting multiple assets with the multi-select tool on the bound map, it will sometimes not select all the assets within the selected area. After selecting assets and moving them on the map, users may have to click in the general map area to complete the action. Users will also need to click on the new Edit button on the map to complete the edit process. To select another single asset afterwards, users need to switch from the multi-select mode back to the Arrow tool. (NYSDOT)
Existing Known Issue
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- On mobile apps running on Windows, when using the device's camera to scan a barcode, the app will crash if the app has not previously been given access to the camera and the device is rotated.
- In Firefox, User Update and Date Update aren't displaying for added elements in Tunnels.
- Work Manager validation checks for Work Logs aren't currently working.
- Users cannot view all warranties attached to a Repair Order if one of them has an empty Name or Warranty Rule field in the Fleet Maintenance Manager App.
- In the Work Manager app, two location cards created for the same asset and the same date currently share Work Logs. Work logs created, edited or deleted on one will be reflected on the other card. The Web Application does not allow duplicate Location cards for the same Date and Asset, so if a duplicate is created on Work Manager by mistake, it can be easily deleted on the Web application or on Work Manager.
- Repair Orders are currently taking longer than usual to load in the Fleet Maintenance Manager app.
- In the Fleet Maintenance Manager app, the Date selector is cropped in landscape mode on small devices.
- Delete is not available in all instances in the Fleet Maintenance Manager app.
- Direct Cost Quantities are rounded or truncated if too large to display in the Fleet Maintenance Manager app.
- Direct Cost Activity cannot be updated to None if it has previously been set with a different value in the Fleet Maintenance Manager app.
- It is currently difficult to return to a Repair Order page from a page branching off of it in the Fleet Maintenance Manager app.
- Changing Warranty Rules does not currently reset unsaved values on Repair Orders in the Fleet Maintenance Manager app.
- The Repair Order Number is currently missing from the header of drop-down lists in the Repair Order screen in the Fleet Maintenance Manager app.
- Admin Unit must still be selected even if only one is available in the Fleet Maintenance Manager app.
- Time Spent does not currently support 2 decimal places in the Fleet Maintenance Manager app.
- The Type of Service drop-down in the Fleet app and Equipment Work Class drop-down on the web are not currently synced.
- Lists are not using the full screen space in Admin Units and Daycards in the Fleet Maintenance Manager app - the lists can still be scrolled in their entirety so no functionality is lost.
- The Mileage field is not following digit parameters for Repair Orders in the Fleet Maintenance Manager app.
- Labor and Equipment daycard statuses are not syncing correctly between the web and the Fleet Maintenance Manager app.
- Direct Costs are not updating correctly when Description or Part Number exceed 100 in the Fleet Maintenance Manager app.
- In the Structures Inspector mobile app, the Inspection Date field has been removed from the general form. It will be added back with a validation check for past due inspections.
- In Work Manager, when users update from version 7.5.2 to 7.5.3, they should perform a sync when they first login.
- In Fleet & Equipment Manager, it is currently possible to delete all the equipment from an equipment purchase and then have that purchase approved.
- The Work Manager mobile app can crash if the device screen is rotated during sync.
- The Work Manager mobile app, after a Work Request is created it must be synced before the app will allow users to create Work Orders for it.
- In the Structures Inspector mobile app, in certain network connectivity conditions where a sync of an inspection with attachments from the structures inspector mobile app fails, a subsequent successful sync of the app may cause element condition state notes to be duplicated.
- In the Work Manager mobile app, some thumbnails for uploaded photographs added to an inspection rotate 90°.
- In the Work Manager mobile app, assets cannot be setup to view in the app as View Only. They need have the necessary geometry information and assets set to allow editing and inspection creation.
- In the Work Manager mobile app, only one currency symbol ($) is currently supported.
- In Work Manager and Maintenance Manager, photographs added to an Inspection do not display in the app on some Android devices. This issue is device specific.
- In Maintenance Manager, it is currently possible to create an inspection without entering an Inspection Date. If no date is selected, when syncing the inspection to Work Manager, it will default to 01/01/01 on Work Manager.
- In Structures Inspector, when the Tunnel inventory screen is displayed, Revert Edits is briefly shown and then hidden along with Edit Tunnel.
- Structure Inspector inspections for Tunnels can currently be edited after being submitted.
Work Manager App users on Android devices with memory of less than 2GB may receive an Out of Memory Exception. Please close and reopen the app daily to avoid this issue.
The Structures Inspector mobile app Condition State comment text box covers the tittle.
The supplied CORS filter for Tomcat will not work on Tomcat version 8.5.32 and above. Customers need to review the use of the CORS filter and update web.xml as needed. Additional information can be found at https://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-8.5-doc/config/filter.html
As of Chrome 71, browser pop-ups may be blocked which will negatively affect system operations. To address this in Chrome go to Settings > Advanced > Content Settings > Pop ups and redirects and then add the URL for the application.
The new GIS Explorer like all web mapping applications requires datasets in the geographic coordinate system (EPSG:4326), so customer schemas with data stored in a different coordinate system would need to be transformed in order for map layers to be created from the dataset. See the section on re-projecting geometries in the Implementation Guide
Inserting a location or inventory item from a map is not functional when using Firefox as your web browser. To work around this limitation, use the other supported web browsers: IE 11, Chrome or Safari
When you select to print a map as an image (png file) using Firefox as your web browser, the file is downloaded as map.png.pdf. You would have to manually edit out the '.pdf' extension from the file name, after the file has been downloaded, to be able to open/use the file
When you define a map print template of size 34x44 or larger, an error is returned since the size of the generated map image always times before a PDF for printing is generated
While working on the GIS Interface and performing tasks that does not generate a request to the server (such as styling a map), your user session may expire as a result. The configured session expiration warnings will be displayed when this occurs or your session may timeout and a session expiration notification displayed, if a warning is not configured
Map filter value does not get pre-populated in the Jasper report print template, even though the parameter is specified for display in the template
Map filter value cannot be defined or edited for a map with a specified area of interest. To work around the definition limitation, the map filter should be defined before the AOI is set
A map's layer style settings become null and un-editable, when an applied filter is partially applicable or not applicable to the defined styling attribute values for the map
On a map bound to a data window, some items when selected on the map aren't highlighted in the data window because they aren't present there (In a data window, items can be Access Regulated), but on the map all inventory items are displayed
The loading and display of maps and associated styles in IE 11 is not as performant as Chrome, Firefox and Safari
In the Roads & Highways interface, routes with curves are not handled properly by the ESRI FDGB API. A workaround is to have the agency densify the routes to turn the curves into line strings
The HTML5 based copy/paste functionality has limitations on the number of rows that can be copied to a browser's clipboard
When you select to copy rows from a data window, data from hidden columns on the window are also copied to the clipboard
The spinner indicating that a layer is loading in the GIS Explorer, continues to spin after selecting to remove a previous loading layer by using either the new map or remove layer option
When zoomed in at the 0.6km/0.4m level before selecting to print a map, the basemap is not rendered on the resulting printed map
Hebrew and other languages with special characters are not rendered properly on the properties panel of GIS Explorer
GIS Explorer does not display the contents of the screen for a right to left language setting
The owner of a GIS catalog folder no longer has access to the catalog, when the folder is shared by a GIS admin with administrative units that the owner of the folder does not belong to
A map built from an image service is not rendered in the printed document (PDF or PNG) when select to print the map
An image layer is not displayed on the map when change the basemap from the 'None' option to any other basemap option
A map comprised of layers from multiple sources including an image service, does not display the layers in the correct z-order when the layers are re-ordered
For some monitor resolutions, opening the messages dialog while the GIS Explorer window is open results in the messages dialog to be partially hidden
In FDC, when enter an incorrect password twice and then enter the correct password afterwards, a message indicating an incorrect reCAPTCHA answer is displayed
When the same editable layer is added to GIS Explorer so there are more than one active, the features on the layer cannot be dragged for an edit
The undo/redo of edits retains the actions performed even the associated layer has been removed
When add a new editable layer to a map with in-progress edits, the undo and redo options are temporarily disabled. Performing an edit re-enables undo/redo and previous edits can be undone or redone
When a user a user enters an incorrect username or password in the Work Manager mobile app, an incorrect message 'Unable to connect to server' is displayed
In Microsoft Edge, some admin units in the Admin Units drop-down on the inspection team's creation dialog, appear as actionable links
Setting some columns as fixed in a data window is not functional in IE 11
Setting of columns as fixed in a data window is not supported in right to left language displays, such as for Hebrew or Arabic, i.e. only the left most columns can be fixed
GIS Explorer does not display a basemap nor the basemap selection dialog, when using Microsoft Edge web browser. However, basemaps function as expected with IE 11, Chrome and Firefox web browsers
- There is an issue in ESRI ArcGIS Enterprise 10.6.1, that prevents the publishing of services for Oracle tables or views with a geometry column owner of MDSYS. When the ESRI issue is addressed, we will test and ensure that the functionality has been restored
Supported Third Party Applications, Versions, and Specs
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| Platform | Version | Notes |
Application Server | Apache Tomcat | 8.5, 9 |
Java | Oracle Java SE | 11 |
| *Zulu JDK Oracle JDK OpenJDK | 1.11 | Zulu JDK is the preferred JDK. |
Web Browsers
| Internet Explorer | 11 | Microsoft will stop supporting Internet Explorer on August 17th, 2021. |
Edge | 81
Chrome | 80 or newer |
Firefox | 7.4.x versions | Extended Release versions are supported. |
Mobile Safari | iOS 14.X |
Database Servers | Oracle Enterprise Edition | 12c 18c 19c | Requires OJDBC8 driver
PostgreSQL | 9.5 9.6 |
Server Operating Systems | MS Windows Server | 2008 R2 64-bit or newer |
Red Hat Enterprise Linux | 5, 6, 7 |
Reporting | Jaspersoft, iReport | 4.X, 6.X | Beginning with release 7.6.1, Jasper Reports 4.X will no longer be supported. |
Mobile Apps | iOS | 12.X, 13.X 14.X |
Android | 8.X, 9.X, 10.X 11.X |
Windows 10 | Fall Creators Update, build 16299 or later | The Fleet Maintenance Manager app is not supported on Windows 10 The Materials Manager apps is not supported on Windows 10 or Android. |
LRS Interface | ESRI ArcGIS Enterprise | 10.5.1, 10.6
| This is specific to the Roads & Highways product. Support for 10.5.1 and 10.6 will be dropped after the upcoming release of 10.8.1. |
GIS | ESRI ArcGIS Enterprise | 10.5.1, 10.6
Application Deployment | Docker | 18, 19, 20 |
Recommended Minimum Device Specs | Tablets | Work Manager Fleet Structures Inspector | - iOS, Android, or Windows
- Screen Size: 7 inch
- Camera resolution: 8MP
- Internal memory: 4GB
- Device storage: at least 16GB, with a minimum of 4GB available
Smart Phones | Fleet | - iOS or Android
- Screen Size: 5.8
- Camera resolution: 23MP
- Internal memory: 3GB
- Device storage: at least 64GB
Desktop | Web applications | - All operating systems
- System RAM: 4GB
- Processor Speed: Single Core 2 Ghz
- Processor Type: 64 bit
- Screen Resolution: 1024 X 768