To add an activity to the Activities pane, use the following steps:

  1. Right-click in the Activities pane and select Insert. The system responds by displaying a dialog box for the selection of the activity.
  2. In the dialog box, click the down arrow to display those activities associated with the module that have not yet been added to the Activities pane and select the desired activity.

    Note: The list of activities are those defined in the Setup Activities window and associated with an asset type in the Setup Asset Activity window. The asset type must also be associated with the maintenance module that contains the Performance Guidelines window.
  3. Click the OK button to close the dialog box. The system closes the dialog box and displays the selected activity in the Activities pane.
  4. Click . The activity is now associated with an asset type assigned to the module.
  5. If performance guideline data is calculated by year, run the system job so the performance guideline information will be available in other windows.
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