To associate activities with an asset, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Asset Activity window.
  2. In the tree view on the left side of the window, locate the asset type with which the activity is to be associated and click the asset type to select it. The selected asset type is highlighted.
  3. In the Activities pane on the right side of the window, right-click the pane and select Edit Selection. The system displays a new window that shows the tree view of all activities configured for your agency.
  4. In the new window, right-click the activity to be associated with the asset type and then select the appropriate selection command. Repeat this procedure for any additional activities to be associated with the asset type.
  5. Once you have selected all activities, click OK. The new window closes and the selected activities are shown in the Activities pane of the Setup Asset Activities window.
  6. If desired, configure the PM Measure Column and PM Amount Coef columns so the amount of work required by the activity is accurately calculated. (To discover the column ID of the column that will be used for PM measurement, see the Columns window.)
  7. Click .
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