The following table lists the ImportMapping Groovy scripts that are most commonly available for selection in the Import Mapping Script column of the Import Column Mapping pane. (There may be other ImportMapping Groovy scripts that are project-specific; see the project manager for more details.)

Groovy Script Name

What It Does


On Exception


Concatenates any number of strings including constants.

Each piece (source column / constant) to concatenate in order.


concatenate 2 strings

Concatenate two strings.

The two strings (source column / constant) in order.


convert to integer

Converts value to an integer.

Source column / constant.


map by column comment

Works for target "list" type columns. Matches source column with the COMMENT_STR column in the SETUP table of the "list" column.

Source column / constant.

Sends NULL to target.

map by column name

Works for target "list" type columns. Matches source column with the Description column that is set up for the Target column in the Columns window. (Note that the Table Name set up for the column in the Columns window is sometimes a view.)

Source column / constant.

Sends NULL to target.

map by column name required

Does exactly the same as "map by column name" except that exception processing is different.

Source column / constant.

Issues error and does not import the row.

map by multiple

Uses a lookup table to translate the source to the target table where one or more columns in the source matches columns in the target. Note: When more than one column is to be imported, all must match for the value to be sent to the target table.

Lookup table name; column in the lookup table to be sent to the target table; pairs of columns (source and target) that must match.


map by xwlk

Works for target "list" type columns. Is a "double table" lookup intended to map many source values into a few target "ID" values.
1. Matches source column with the SOURCE_NAME column in the SETUP_*_XWLK table of the "list" column, then
2.Matches the SOURCE_NAME column in the SETUP_*_XWLK table with the *_NAME column in the SETUP table of the "list" column.

Source column / constant.

Sends NULL to target.

set to column value

Sends source value directly to target.

Source column / constant.


to date

Converts the source value to a "date" type target column.

Source column / constant.



Sends SYSDATE to a "date" type target column.



Y_N_column to C-type column

Y_N_column to C-type column.

Source column / constant.




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