This module is still under development. More information will be added as it becomes available.
Construction Projects
This window lists any active or past construction projects and any activities that may affect storm water assets.
Encroachment Permits
This window lists MS4 permits, permit locations, and any other information relevant to the permit.
Maintenance Facilities
This window lists maintenance facilities and allows users to conduct inspections on those facilities.
Industrial Facilities
This window allows users to manage different maintenance facilities, conduct inspections on those facilities, track potential illicit discharge from those facilities, and link assets to the discharge as needed.
This window lists outfalls, their inspections, and any discharge locations associated with those outfalls.
Illicit Discharge Elimination
This widow lists active and past Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination (IDDE) investigations. A compliance officer can initiate a new investigative process by geolocating a potential discharge point and having an inspection crew conduct a field visit. Users can also use this window to link other assets that are likely affected by the illicit discharge - though field crews generally determine whether those assets are affected or not.
The Setup drop-down menu directs you to the creation pages for many of the attributes you will need for Storm Water compliance activities.
Select which of the following you would like to setup or edit from the drop-down menu:
- Maintenance Yards Class Codes
- SWM Inspection Components
- SWM Inspection Questions
- Material Site Class Codes
- Maintenance Yards Status
- Material Sites Status
- Storm Water BMP Type
- Inspection Element
- Inspection Questions
- Inspection Status
- Precipitation Intensity
- Wind Conditions
- Water Quality Category
- Inspection Type
- Temperature Range
This will take you to the action page for that attribute.
Right click or Control+click on the Actions pane on the right to add, delete, sort, or find an attribute.
Click Save before
before navigating away from the page or your changes will not be saved.