Note: Only qualified personnel should execute generated scripts — and only after thoroughly reviewing each generated script for errors and to ensure intended operation.

To copy a window, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Copy Window window. The system will complete the Source Schema, Source Password, and Source DB fields with the appropriate data. (You may change these if desired.)
  2. Enter data in the other required parameter fields (Source Window ID, Target Window ID, and Target Menu ID).
  3. If you wish the generated script to contain only DML statements, leave the Output Type field as is. Otherwise, click the arrow to display the drop-down list and then select the desired type of statements.
  4. If you want all objects (both source and target) in the generated script to be prefaced with a qualifying string, enter the string in the Schema Qualifier field.
  5. If you want to save the generated script in the database (in addition to displaying it in the Copy Window window), click the Save Config Script check box. The system places a check mark in the check box to denote that it is selected.
  6. Click the Get Script button. If you selected the Save Config Script check box, the system will ask you to enter the file name for the generated script. Enter the name and then click OK. The system then displays a pop-up window that shows progress in generating the script.

    Note: Do not close the pop-up window while the process is running or the resulting script will not be returned to you.
  7. Once the system has generated the script, you can copy the script and then execute it in the target database using a database editing tool.

When the generated script specifies a table, the system will automatically create the following if they do not already exist:

  • The table (If the table already exists, the system will modify the table to include any missing columns.)
  • The primary key
  • Any other unique or non-unique indices
  • Any foreign keys
  • Any database triggers
  • A sequence on the table

The system will also populate existing metadata into the AgileAssets SETUP tables so that the table can be modified directly through the application. If no records exist in the source schema, then no values will be inserted as part of the resulting script.

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