The Commercial Repair Order window enables you to enter line items for repair work that is performed by commercial (non-agency) garages and overseen by your administrative unit. The equipment can belong to any administrative unit in your agency.

If you haven't already, navigate to the Commercial Repair Orders page by following the steps below:

  1. Click Operations in the top banner menu
  2. Hover over Commercial Repair in the drop-down menu
  3. Click Create in the drop-down menu

Once you're on the Create page, follow the steps below:

  1. Enter the Equipment Name
  2. Enter the VIN
  3. Click in the Repair Orders pane
  4. Select Insert in the drop-down menu
  5. Fill out all available information for the Repair Order you would like to create.
    All fields with an * are required.
    Fields that appear in grey cannot be altered.
  6. Click Save once you've entered all available information.
    Or click Reload to erase your changes.
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