The out-of-the-box Structures Analyst has included the basic tables and windows for these datasets. As part of the configuration process, the datasets can be expanded to fit the agency’s needs, and import routines will be setup to regularly update these datasets.

If a customer has data other than the datasets defined in the configuration process, additional datasets will be created as needed and configured using a similar method to Structure Inventory or Element Condition data.

Follow the data import process defined in the configuration process to update data.

Network/Performance Master

Structure Performance Master is the structure inventory for storing various structure characteristics, such as Functional Class, Material Type, Structure Length, etc. Out of the box, the table is named BMS_NETWORK_MASTER, and the corresponding window can be navigated to by following either of the two options below:

  1. Select the Structures Analyst module
  2. Click Inventory in the top banner menu
  3. Select Network Master in the drop-down menu


  1. Select the Structures Analyst module
  2. Click Inventory in the top banner menu
  3. Select Performance Master in the drop-down menu

Element Data

In either the Performance Master and Network Master screens, users can select an exiting elements to view their condition states and quantity in Element pane.

Since this dateset is dependent on the structure inventory dataset, it must be imported after the the structure inventory.


The planned/performed work for structures can be imported to the system so that it can be taken into account during analysis.

Since this dataset is a child of inventory dataset, it must be imported after the inventory dataset.  

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