This course covers creation and management of work requests, issuing work orders from periodic maintenance, work requests, plans or other sources; and tracking the progress of these work orders during their life cycle.

The videos in this course mention to Quizzes and Course Evaluations. These quizzes are no longer active, but we are still providing these videos for educational purposes. 


After taking this course a trainee should be able to:

  • Describe the overall functions and key business processes associated with maintenance work orders.
  • Setup basic configuration to support a work order including resource sharing, resource shortlists, crews and projects.
  • Create and activate a work order.
  • Assign labor, equipment, and material resources to a work order.
  • Schedule the work.
  • Record time, resource usage and work accomplished on a work order.
  • Close a work order.
  • Create a work request and issue a work order.
  • Manage work orders.


  • Client Project Team Members involved in an AgileAssets implementation of this functional area
  • New and existing users looking to increase knowledge with hands-on experience in this area


Required: Maintenance Manager Video LessonsBasic Navigation Video Lessons   Recommended: Basic Reporting Video Lessons

Course Time

160 minutes

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