The right pane of the Dashboards window lists all dashboards in a tabular format. When you select a node in the hierarchy in the left pane, the corresponding record in the table is also selected. (The converse is also true.)
The table provides the following columns:
- Comments: This field provides information that helps you to better understand the dashboard.
- Dashboard Name: This column shows the name of the dashboard.
- Dashboard Owner: This field indicates the user that created the dashboard.
- Date Updated: This field shows when the dashboard was last modified.
- Module: This field shows the name of the module in which the dashboard appears.
- Public: When the dashboard is a public dashboard, a check mark appears in the check box in this column. This check box is not editable.
Note: You make a dashboard a public dashboard by using the Make Dashboard Public command, which is found by right-clicking the desired dashboard report in the My Dashboards folder in the left pane.
- Selected: A check mark in the check box in this column indicates that the dashboard is the one currently displayed for the module. This check box is not editable.
Note: You select a dashboard for display by displaying the module's Home window, right-clicking the public dashboard by utilizing the Make Dashboard Public command, which is found by right-clicking the desired dashboard report in the My Dashboards folder in the left pane.
- Shared: This field indicates the number of users with which the dashboard is shared. The value is a hyperlink that will display a pop-up window when you click the hyperlink. The pop-up window lists the user names of all users with which the dashboard is shared.
- User Update: This field shows the name of the user who last modified the report.