The Labor Inventory window is the central repository of information about agency personnel. It provides the list of current employees in your administrative unit and shows such information as the employee's status and telephone number.
The Labor Inventory window contains the following two tabs:
Inventory Tab: The Inventory tab displays the employees in the administrative unit you selected when you logged on.
Note: If a value is not shown for the Hours per Day column, the default value of 8 hours will be assigned to the employee (and will be shown in the Labor Shortlist window). This value should match the type of work week that is configured in the System > Custom Calendars window (for example, if the Custom Calendars window shows 4 days with 10 hours per day, then the Employee window should show 10 hours for employees utilizing this calendar).- Licenses Tab: The Licenses tab shows the licenses or certifications belonging to the employee selected in the Inventory tab. The licenses appear in a drop-down list, which is created and maintained in the License window.