To create a reservation for a short-term vehicle rental:

  1. Open the Motorpool User Reservation window.
  2. Right-click the pane and select Make Reservation. A new record is added to the pane.
  3. In the Equipment Category field, click the down arrow and select the type of vehicle that will be rented.
  4. Verify the Lease Owner field. This should show the administrative unit that will be renting the vehicle. If necessary, modify it to show who will be renting the vehicle by clicking the down arrow and selecting the appropriate administrative unit.
  5. Enter the driver's name and destination in the appropriate fields.
  6. Check the dates and times shown in the Start Date, Start Hour, Final Date, and Final Hour columns. The beginning date will be today's date, with the starting time being the start of the work day. The ending date will also be today's date, but the ending time will be the end of the work day. If any of these are incorrect, edit the displayed information as needed.
  7. Complete any remaining fields for which you have information.
  8. Once all information is correct, right-click the pane and select Submit Reservation. The reservation is now created, but pending. It will be activated when a vehicle is assigned to the reservation by motor pool personnel using the Motorpool Reservations Window. Once activated the reservation will no longer be shown in the Motorpool User Reservation window.
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