With inventory and condition data imported, we are ready to perform network analysis. In the system, the Network Master table is the starting point for all network analyses. These analyses depend on the columns included in the table.

The Network Master table is a key table in the system, which combines data from the various sources (asset data, pavement condition, traffic data, pavement structure). It should contain the latest information for all pavement sections. It represents the current structure, traffic, classification, and condition for the network as a whole. See an example of possible columns in Network Master below. Since Network Master provides input to analysis, it must contain information for the full network for planning and reporting purposes.

Column CategoryExample Columns

Identifier (ID)

Segment ID

LocationBegin/End Address, Begin/End Description, Begin/End Distance


Statewide Data Owner, Maintenance Jurisdiction, District, County

Roadway Inventory

Length, Number of Lanes, Lane Width, Shoulder Width, Total Lane Miles, Functional Class

Pavement Data

Pavement Type, Condition Data Year, IRI, Rutting, Faulting, Cracking


Traffic Data Year, AADT, VMT, ESAL

Maintenance History

Last Treatment Type, Number of Years since Last Treatment, Last Rehab Type, Number of Years since Last Rehab, Most Recent Contract (Link to history), Pavement Age


Total Surface Depth, Structural Class

Two things need to be noted regarding the columns in Network Master:

  • At a minimum, Network Master must include the PMSX_SEGMENT_ID and PAVE_AGE columns
  • During optimization analysis, if EFF_YEAR (Effective Year) column doesn’t exist in Network Master, the analysis will use all the data in Network Master. Otherwise, the analysis will only use the data of which the EFF_YEAR field is equal to the “Year of Condition Data” field as defined in the optimization analysis. In other words, if NMF doesn’t have EFF_YEAR column, when setting up the optimization analysis, the value of “Year of Condition Data” field does not affect the results.

Because Network Master is the input data stream for network analysis, it must be re-calculated at least once per year for the current data set to be used in network analysis, and it should also be re-calculated each time any of the condition indicator settings have changed.

Network Master uses the current pavement management sections as the master for pavement section definitions. Other data (such as pavement management inventory, traffic, condition in the form of performance index, and construction history) are then assigned to the Network Master when it is filled.

The Network Master Data window shows all road sections in the Network Master and provides descriptive information about each road section. All the columns in Network Master that are calculated using the formulas can be configured by right click and select “Update Target Table” command (pic below).

The Network Details window can be navigated to by following the steps below:

  1. Click Analysis in the top banner menu
  2. Click Asset Performance in the drop-down menu
  3. Click Network Details

The table is named PMSX_NETWORK_MASTER. The table has the following columns:

Column LabelColumn NameData TypeRequired to Run PMS at MinimumDescription
Segment IDPMSX_SEGMENT_IDIntegerYID used through out the system to identify each segment. Primary Key of the table.
Segment NameSEGMENT_NAMEString
If there is a name assigned to the segment
Segment SequenceSEGMENT_SEQUENCEString
Allows the system to sort the segment
Road NameROAD_NAMEString
Street/Road name of the segment
From DescriptionDESCRIPTION_FROMString
Begin description of the segment
To DescriptionDESCRIPTION_TOString
End description of the segment
Start DistanceDISTANCE_STARTNumber (22,3)
Begin distance measure of the segment
End DistanceDISTANCE_ENDNumber (22,3)
End distance measure of the segment
Start LatitudeLATITUDE_STARTNumber (22,9)
Begin latitude of the segment
Start LongitudeLONGITUDE_STARTNumber (22,9)
Begin longitude of the segment
End LatitudeLATITUDE_ENDNumber (22,9)
End latitude of the segment
End LongitudeLONGITUDE_ENDNumber (22,9)
End longitude of the segment
AADTAADTIntegerYAADT on the segment
LengthLENGTHNumber (22,3)YLength of the segment
Number of LanesNUMBER_OF_LANESInteger
Number of lanes on the segment
Lane MilesLANE_MILESNumber (22,3)YLane-miles of the segment
Segment AreaSEGMENT_AREANumber (22,3)
Segment area
Lane Width (Per Lane)PER_LANE_WIDTHNumber (22,3)
Per lane width
Shoulder WidthSHOULDER_WIDTHNumber (22,3)
Shoulder width
Segment WidthSEGMENT_WIDTHNumber (22,3)
Segment width in total
Percent TruckPCT_TRUCKNumber (22,2)
Truck percentage
Last Rehab YearYEAR_LAST_REHABInteger
Last year of rehabliation on the segment
Last Preventive Maintenance YearYEAR_LAST_PMInteger
Last year of preventive treatment on the segment
Address: Left Side FromADDRESS_LEFT_FROMInteger
Left side of the segment: Begin address
Address: Left Side ToADDRESS_LEFT_TOInteger
Left side of the segment: End address
Address: Right Side FromADDRESS_RIGHT_FROMInteger
Right side of the segment: Begin address
Address: Right Side ToADDRESS_RIGHT_TOInteger
Right side of the segment: End address
Address: FromADDRESS_FROMInteger
Segment Begin Address
Address: ToADDRESS_TOString
Segment End Address
Zip CodeZIP_CODEString
Zip code
Maintenance JurisdictionMAINTENANCE_JUR_IDInteger
Maintenance Jurisdiction
NHS Designation
Functional ClassFUNCTIONAL_CLASS_IDIntegerYFunctional Class
Pavement TypeWC_IDIntegerYPavement Type
One-way Street?ONEWAYInteger
Whether the segment is one-way
Divided Street (median)DIVIDEDInteger
Whether the segment is divided (with a median)
Condition Data YearPMS_CONDITION_DATA_YEARInteger
Condition Data Year
Pavement Condition Index (PCI)PMS_PCI_INDEXNumber(22,3)YPavement Condition Index
User UpdateUSER_UPDATEInteger
Last update user
Date UpdateDATE_UPDATEDate
Last update date/time
Geometry. Hidden from the window.

The data in Network Master does not change during optimization analysis even if the analysis is multi-year. Network Master data is copied to USER_OPTIMIZATION_ENGINE table where data is processed and changed by the application to provide analysis results.

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