The Work Request window shows requests that have been recorded for fixing perceived deficiencies of the assets in the road/traffic network. Typically, these requests are generated by the public, although other users of the road/traffic network can also report items that need attention.

For example, a person calls your agency and reports a malfunctioning signal, a dead deer or a large pothole. Personnel at the agency would then record the details of the call (who called and where the problem is located), and then would route the report to the administrative unit that is responsible for addressing the report.

The work flow for work requests is then as follows:

  • An agency employee records the details of the report in the Work Requests window.
  • The employee then assigns the request to the responsible administrative unit.
  • An employee in the assigned administrative unit investigates the request and either associates it with an already-existing request or issues a work order to address the issues of the request.
  • The work order is completed, and the person who initially made the report is notified that the problem is resolved only if the contact person requested a follow up call.

Note: Work requests are displayed by administrative unit. When you display the Work Requests window, you only see the work requests for your administrative unit. This also means that you should remember to appropriately set the Assigned Administrative Unit column when creating a work request because this determines who sees the work request in this window and the Work Order from Work Request window.

Create Work Request

The objective of this lesson is for the participant to understand how to create a Work Request record and convert it into a Work Order

At the end of this lesson, the user should be able to create a Work Request and convert the Work Request into a Work Order.

In this example, we  create a new work request by performing the steps below:

Open the Work Request window: Maintenance Manager > Operations > Work Requests

1.In the Work Request (top) pane, right-click and select Insert.

2. Type the name of your work request Into the Work Request Name field.

3. Click the Assigned Admin Unit drop-down and select the right unit.

4. Click the Start Date calendar Icon and select the start date.

5. Click the End Date Calendar Icon an select an end date (if applicable).

6. Click the Work Request Type drop-down and choose a type.

7. Click the WR Status drop-down and choose a status.

8. Click the Emergency Category drop-down and select a category (if applicable).

9. Click the District drop-down and select the right district.

10. If applicable, click the Asset Type drop-down and select an asset type.

11. Provide a description for the work in the Description field.

12. Click Save to save the record.


If the work is scheduled to be done on a route, the route information can also be added to the work request.

13.Right-click in the bottom pane and select Insert.

14. Click the Asset drop-down and choose the appropriate asset.

15. Click the Magnetifying Glass in the Route ID column to bring up the List of Routes pop-up window.

16. Select the route of interest and then click OK.

17. Input the correct values into the BMP (beginning mile post) and EMP (end mile post) fields respectively.

18. Populate all other fields that are applicable.

19. When you are finished, click Save to save the record.

Link One Work Request to Another

The Link to Another feature allows you to link the selected work request with another work request to consolidate effort in a particular area.

In this example, we link a work request to another work request by performing the following steps:

1.In the Work Request (top) pane, right-click on the work request record that is to be linked and choose Link to Another.

2. From the filter pop-up box that appears, in the left pane, click on the row (i.e. Work Request Type) to be filtered by. The row is highlighted.

3. Click the Select Filter Type drop-down and choose In List.

4. In the Action pane, select the option (i.e. Routine) to be used by clicking in the check-box adjacent to the Item Name.

5. Click the OK button when done. The Similar Complaints pop-up window appears.

6. From the Similar Complaints window, highlight the work request record to be linked and then click the Link button.

7. Click Save to save the record. The 2 requests are now linked

Create Work Order from Work Request 

A work order is created from a work request by selecting the work request in the upper pane and then inserting a new work order in the lower pane.  When the work order is created, the work request number is appended to the work order as a hyperlink: which allows you to view the original work request from the work order.

In this example, we create a work order from a work request by performing the following steps:

1.Open the following window: Maintenance Manager > Operations > Work Order Sources > Work Request.

2. In the District Work Request List (top) pane, click on the Work Request record that a work order is to be created against.

3. In the Work Orders (top) pane, right-click and select Insert, to create a new Work Order. As you perform this action, the Add Work Order popup window opens.

4. Click the Project dropdown and select a project of interest.

5. After you have made the selection, click the Asset Type dropdown and select the right asset type.

6. Next, click the Next Activity dropdown and select the appropriate activity of interest.


You can select Inv. Elem, if you know the specific Inv. Elem ID.  If it is unknown, or you need to assign multiple Inv. Elems, then perform this task later, from the Location/Asset tab.

7. Once you have made your selections, click the OK button to close the popup window.

8. A new Work Order record is created in the Work Orders pane.

9. Enter the right data (numeric value) into the Plan Amount column.

10. Right click in the newly created work order and select Activate WO.

11. Click Save to save the record. The work order record will now be available in the Work Orders window.

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