To replace an odometer, create a Repair order in the Issue Internal Repair Orders window and select the appropriate Activity for odometer replacement. Once the Repair Order is created, then follow these steps:

  1. Click Operations in the top banner menu
  2. Click In-House Repairs in the drop-down menu
  3. Click Progress to open the Progress window
  4. In the Repair Orders pane, locate the Repair Order for the replacement of the odometer and select it
  5. Click the Meter Replace check box, a pop-message shows in the screen asking you if meter replacement is needed
  6. Click OK
  7. Another pop-up message asks you to enter the New Meter reading
  8. Enter the new meter reading value (typically 0) and click OK
  9. In the Repair Order pane, the system stores the newly entered meter reading in the Miles/Hours column and puts a check mark in the Meter Replace check box column
    The system also displays the old meter reading in the Old Odometer Reading column
  10. After you complete the repair order, this new meter reading will be updated in the Miles/Hours column in the Fleet Inventory window
    The Accumulated Meter column in the Fleet Inventory window will show the difference of Old Meter and New Meter
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