The Programmed Projects window in the Safety module shows the projects that address safety issues and have been accepted for implementation. The three panes available in this window are:
- The Programmed Projects pane lists the various projects that are accepted for implementation. You cannot enter projects in this pane directly.
- The Project Phases pane lists the various phases of the project selected in the Programmed Projects pane.
- The Fund Amount by Fund Source pane lists all the fund sources that have been used at least once by a Project Phase. This pane provides the following fields:
- The Total Amount field shows the total amount of funds allocated to the named fund source.
- The Total Reco. Amount field displays the total allocated amount for the fund source used by project phases across all recommended projects.
- The Total Prog. Amount field displays the total allocated amount for the fund source used by project phases across all programmed projects.
- The Remaining Amount field shows the difference between the total amount and the sum of the total recommended and programmed amounts.
When you right-click this pane or select Actions, the following special commands are available along with the common commands:
- Update Project Cost (from Phases): To update the project costs from Project Phases, use this option in the Programmed Projects pane.