The unit costs for Performance Guidelines are updated in one of three ways depending on the requirements of your particular agency. One of these methods uses historical work order costs and the other two methods use system jobs. These different ways are summarized below.



Use historical work order costs.

Use the following steps:

  1. In the Activities pane, right-click and select Show Cost Aggregation. This displays the Cost Aggregation window.
  2. In the Cost Factors pane in the Cost Aggregation window, adjust the weighting factors as necessary for each year. If necessary, insert or remove years by using right-click commands.
  3. Once the Cost Factors pane shows the appropriate years and weighting factors, right-click in the Weighted Average Costs by Activity pane and select Refresh Costs. This command calculates the average historical unit costs (and employee hours) and then displays the results in the Weighted Average Costs by Activity pane.
  4. Review the new unit costs to ensure that they are appropriate.
  5. Right-click in the Weighted Average Costs by Activity pane and select Update Statewide Performance Guideline. This command applies the average historical unit costs (and employee hours) to only those Performance Guidelines that are used agency-wide. (The guidelines that are inherited are not updated.)

Use the "Fill QG Labor and Material Costs" system job (job.FillQgCosts).

This system job only applies to inherited Performance Guideline records. The job replaces the detailed labor and material costs in the Resources panes with the actual averages found in employee data and material inventory data, respectively. The updating of these detailed unit costs then adjusts the values in the two read-only columns "Labor Unit Costs for My Admin Unit" and "Material Unit Costs for My Admin Unit" in the Activities pane.

Note: This job does not update the overall unit cost. If desired, you can accomplish this by using the Calculate Costs command.

Use the "Update LEM Activity Standard Costs" system job (job.UpdateQgLEMCosts).

For all Performance Guideline records, this job fills the unit cost in each of the Resources panes with the unit cost values for the labor class code and equipment class code as well as the cost value for the master material unit for materials. It then fills the labor, equipment, and material unit costs in the Activities pane from the data in the Resources panes (in the same way that the Calculate Costs command does).

Note: If any labor or equipment class code unit cost values are null, then an error message is displayed and the job does not run. To recover from this error, set the null class code unit costs to an appropriate value and then re-run the job.
Note: When this method is used, the two read-only columns "Labor Unit Costs for My Admin Unit" and "Material Unit Costs for My Admin Unit" in the Activities pane are not needed (and may be hidden) because this job automatically fills the standard unit costs columns in the Activities pane. Consequently, you do not need to compare these values with standards and then decide whether to change the standards via the use of the Calculate Costs command.

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