The Completion window displays work order (WO) information such as location, amounts, and actual charges from Day Cards for WOs that are either active or completed on or after the date entered in the date field at the top of the window. The elements of this window are:
- A date field at the top of the window.
- The Work Orders pane.
- The Details tab in the lower pane.
- The Location tab in the lower pane.
Completion Work Orders Pane
The primary purpose of this pane is to Complete a Work Order. A check mark in the Completed column indicates that the WO is complete. The date that the WO was closed is shown in the Completion Date column, which you can scroll to the right to see. (If you do not enter a date in this column before closing the WO, the date will default to the current date.)
When you select a WO and then choose Actions or right-click a WO, the system displays a menu. This menu contains the common commands along with the following special commands:
- Approve All: This command approves all Day Cards for the selected WO.
- Delete Unapproved: This command deletes any unapproved Day Cards for the selected WO.
- Edit Accomplishments: Some implementations include this command. When available it displays a dialog box so you can enter additional accomplishments above and beyond what are recorded in Accomplishment Day Cards. The entered value appears in the Additional Amount line of the table shown in the Detail tab.
Completion Details Tab
The Details tab in the lower window provides a summary of all types of Day Cards (labor, equipment, and material) as well as accomplishment and direct labor costs. Each row of the table in this tab shows a different type of Day Card and provides summary information about the type of Day Card. It shows the number of unapproved Day Cards, the earliest and latest dates of Day Cards, the actual cost incurred for this resource, and the amount of this resource expended.
Completion Location Tab
The Location tab in the lower window lists all inventory elements that are associated with the WO selected in the upper pane. Typically, this is the location where the work was performed.
Actions and Right-Click Context Menu Commands
When you select a record in this pane and then choose Actions or right-click a record in this pane, the system displays a menu. This menu contains the following commands along with the common commands:
- Find Inventory Item: This command provides a computer-assisted way to change the inventory item of the currently selected record. It displays a dialog box, which lists all inventory items of the WO's asset type. To change the inventory item (in the underlying pane from which the Find Inv Item command was activated), select an inventory item and click OK. To exit this dialog box without changing the WO information, click Cancel.
- Insert All Inventory Items from This Location: This command finds all inventory items within the route and mile point boundaries of the selected record and inserts each of them as separate records in this pane. The system inserts the name of an inventory item in the Inventory Item Name column as a hyperlink. You can click this link to display a new window with more detailed information about the inventory item.
- Insert Inventory Item(s) from Map: This command displays the GIS (Geographic Info System) Explorer window, from which you can select the inventory item(s) for which the selected WO will be performed. The active layer in the GIS Explorer window is the layer associated with the asset type that was selected when the WO was created: which means you will only be able to use the layer associated with the WO's asset type to select asset-specific inventory items.
Beside the GIS Explorer window is a pane that lists the inventory items selected in the GIS Explorer window. This pane has a menu that is displayed by right-clicking the pane. This menu contains the common commands along with the following special commands:
- Add to Selected WO: After selecting one or more inventory item records, this command adds the selected inventory items as records in the Location tab of the Completion window. The window remains open so you can select additional inventory items to add to the selected WO.
- Highlight Feature: This command causes the selected inventory item to be highlighted in the map.
- Insert New Inventory Element: This command is described below.
- Insert Location(s) from Map: This command behaves in the same way as the Insert inv Item(s) from Map command described above, with the exception that the Routes layer is the active layer. This allows you to select one or more locations where the selected WO will be performed.
- Insert New Inventory Element: This command allows you to enter a new inventory element directly into the pane. When you select this command, the system displays the inventory elements attribute window. Complete this window and select OK to place the new inventory element in the Location tab.