The Access Level Settings window (System > Security > System Level > Access Level Settings) contains three panes: the Module pane (upper left) for selecting a module; the menu structure as displayed in the Module Menu tree view pane on the right; and the Access Profile pane (lower left) that shows the different access profiles configured. For the module selected in the Module pane and the access profile selected in the Access profile pane, the Module Menu hierarchy shows the access permission assigned to each menu item. The access permission appears as a number to the left of the name of the menu item.


Module Pane

This pane lists all modules found in the system. This is read-only, and only the common commands are provided on the right-click shortcut menu.

Access Profile Pane

This pane shows the names of all access profiles and the number of users that are assigned each profile. The names shown in this pane are what appear in the drop-down list found in the User Names and Access window. To create an access profile, see Create an Access Profile .

The Location Reference column determines whether a security profile allows access to one or all linear referencing systems (LRSes). If the column is left blank, then the profile allows access to all LRSes and the Location Reference field and entries will be shown in the Settings menu. Otherwise, the security profile will only allow access to the selected LRS and the Location Reference field will not be shown in the Settings menu (because the user only has access to that LRS and cannot change it).

When the check box in the System Lock Administrator column is selected for a security profile, users with the security profile may access the system while it is locked. See System Locks for more information.

Module Menu Pane

This is the right pane in the Access Level Settings window. For the currently selected module and access profile, it displays all of the menu items of the module in a tree view along with the access permission assigned to each item. The access permission is shown to the left of the name of the menu item.

When you right-click a menu item in the tree view, the system displays a shortcut menu with the following commands:

  • Set This to the Branch: This command assigns the access level setting for the selected menu item to all sub-items.
  • Set Access Level: This command displays a new dialog box in which you may select the access level for the selected item. The following access levels are available:
    • (0) Invisible: The user cannot see the menu item.
    • (1) Disabled: The user can see the menu name, but cannot open the window.
    • (2) Read Only: The user can see the window content, but cannot modify it.
    • (3) Read/Write: The user can read and write data.
    • (4) Accept/Confirm: The user can read and write data and has approval capability.
    • (5) - (7) Super Users: The user has all the rights to edit data and grant approvals plus the additional rights defined in the Actions Rights and Columns windows.


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