An activity is an action that is performed by members of your agency. The Setup Activities window allows you to create and maintain the list of activities for your agency (not just your administrative unit) and assign the months of the year those activities are performed.

The Activities window shows a tree view and a table view of all activities. The tree view is expanded by clicking a plus sign (plus) or contracted by clicking a minus sign (–). The right pane shows a table view that provides additional information about each activity including:

  • Activity Code: This column shows the activity code associated with the activity.
  • Budget Category: This column shows the budget category associated with the activity. The entries in the drop-down list are configured in the Budget Categories window.
  • Measurement Unit: This column shows the measurement unit for the activity. The entries in the drop-down list are configured in the Units window.
  • Order: This column controls the display order of the activity in the tree view.
  • Unit Cost: This column shows the cost of the activity per unit of time.

When you select an activity in the tree view pane, the record corresponding to that code is highlighted and displayed in the table on the right. Selecting a record also selects an activity in the tree view. When you right-click a node in the tree-view pane, the system displays a shortcut menu. This menu contains the following commands in addition to the common commands:

  • Add Branch: This command adds a new, subordinate node to the tree view and a corresponding row in the list view. See Add a New Activity for more information.

When you right-click a record in the table-view pane, the system displays a shortcut menu. This menu contains the following commands in addition to the common commands:

  • Add Branch: This command adds a new, subordinate node to the tree view and a corresponding row in the list view. See Add a New Activity for more information.
  • Edit Descriptions: This command is only available for non-parent activities. When available, it displays a new window that shows information about the activity and the stored Performance Guideline with which it is associated. You can then edit the displayed information.
  • No labels