To add one or more PM requests to a pending work order, use the following steps:
- Open the Issue Work Order by PM window.
- In the Work Orders pane, select the record showing the work order to which the PM requests will be added. The system highlights the record to show that it is selected.
- In the PM Items pane, select the first PM request to be added to the selected work order.
- In the PM Items pane, select the additional PM requests (if any) to be added. If the PM requests are all grouped together, hold down the SHIFT key and select the last record of the group. If the PM requests are not all grouped together, hold down the CTRL key and select each record to be added.
Once all records are selected, right-click one of the selected records and select Add to Selected WO. Provided the activity of each selected PM request is the same as that of the selected work order, the system adds the location or inventory element name of each PM request to the Work Target pane. The system also removes the highlight from each PM request record to signify that the record is now associated with the selected work order.
Note: If any PM request in the group of selected PM requests does not have the same activity as the selected work order, the system displays an error message that the PM request could not be added to the work order. The system also does not remove the highlight from the PM request record to show that the PM request was not added. (The other PM requests that do match the work order's activity are added.)- In the Work Target pane, adjust the values in the PCT WORK column to indicate the amount of effort to be expended at each location or for each inventory item. Typically, the amount of effort is indicated as a decimal percentage, with all values summing to 1.0 (100%). However, you can use other means of indicating effort, such as time (in hours) to be spent at each location or working on a particular inventory item.
- Click to save the new information.