To create a budget plan, use the following steps:

  1. Open the Budget Plan window.
  2. In the Plan pane, right-click and select Insert. The system inserts a new budget plan line item.
  3. Select the administrative unit and activity category from the lists in the respective fields.

    Note: The combination must be unique – all planning activities from one administrative unit having the same activity category will be rolled up into a single line item.
  4. Click .
  5. Click . The system refreshes the window with the latest information from the database. If plan items exist for the administrative unit, activity category, fiscal year, and plan combination, a hyperlinked cost will be displayed in the Planned Budget Details field.
  6. If the available budget for this activity category is known, enter this amount in the Budget field. (See Balance a Budget Plan for instructions on balancing a budget plan when the planned budget is different from the available budget.)
  7. Repeat steps 3 to 7 to add additional budget plan items (grouped by activity category).
  8. Click .
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