The Daily Log window contains the following:
- A field to enter the date.
- Work Orders pane: This pane lists all active work orders for the date shown at the top of the window.
- Tabs: The lower part of the window shows several tabs, for example Labor, Equipment, Material, PO and Contract Costs, Accomplishments, and Inventory Items.
Daily Log Work Orders Pane
When the Work Orders pane of the Daily Log window is first displayed, it is blank. Click Edit Selection command.
to display all work orders for your administrative unit that have one or more Day Cards for the date shown at the top of the window. You can change the list of work orders by using thePay particular attention to the identification number shown in the WO# column. This number is important because it corresponds to the numbers shown at the top of the columns in each of the tabs in the lower part of the window, and serves to allocate hours to the correct work order.
When you right-click this pane, a shortcut menu is displayed. This menu contains the common commands along with the following special commands:
- Edit Selection: This command displays the Edit Selection dialog box, which allows you to adjust the list of work orders, equipment, or materials shown in the Daily Log window.
- Shared Work Orders: This command displays a new window that lists work orders that were originated by another administrative unit and then shared with your administrative unit. You can select one or more of the displayed work orders and then, by clicking the OK button, move those work orders to the Daily Log window. This allows you to attribute time to the shared work orders.
Daily Log Labor Tab
The lower part of the Daily Log window shows the Labor tab. This tab lists the labor resources to be recorded for the day shown in the Effective Date field and for the work order selected in the upper pane. The tab displays a table with:
- The work orders listed across the top.
- The labor resources listed along the side. The default list of labor resources is all employees in your labor shortlist. The unit for labor resources is hours.
- The Day Card amounts shown in the Total column.
- The account towards which the hours will be charged is indicated in the TRC column. (TRC stands for Time Reporting Code, and indicates the type of hours, for example, regular, overtime, vacation, or sick)
- If the resource was used for a work order that is not shown, the hours are shown in the Other WO Hours column. To discover further information about this, click the displayed value. A new window will then open with information about the work performed for the other administrative unit.
Enter the actual hours in the columns with white backgrounds. (The numbers shown above the columns correspond to the numbers shown in the WO# column of the Work Orders pane, which identify a particular work order for time entry.) The cells that have a green background indicate approved Day Cards, and so cannot be changed.
Note: Day Cards cannot be approved unless the work order's account codes are valid.
Daily Log Equipment Tab
The lower part of the Daily Log window shows the Equipment tab. This tab lists the equipment resources to be recorded for the day shown in the Effective Date field and for the work order selected in the upper pane. The tab displays a table with the following:
- The work orders listed across the top.
- The equipment resources listed along the side. Every resource is included for which there is a Day Card for the current date. (The equipment list can be augmented using the Edit Selection command, which allows Day Card amounts to be added or edited for any resource.) The units are hours and miles.
- The Day Card amounts shown in the Total column.
- If the resource was used for a work order that is not shown, the hours are shown in the Other WO Hours column. To discover further information about this, click the displayed value. Provided the value is not zero, a new window will open with information about the work performed for the other administrative unit.
Enter both the number of hours that the equipment was used as well as the mileage for the day (mileage can also be entered in the Day Cards window) in the cells with white backgrounds. (The numbers shown above the columns correspond to the numbers shown in the WO# column of the Work Orders pane, which identify a particular work order for time entry.) The cells that have a green background indicate approved Day Cards, and so cannot be changed.
If the work order is marked as FEMA-related (that is, a check mark appears in the FEMA Event column of the Work Orders pane), then the FEMA Details command is available when you right-click the value in the Hours column. This command displays a new window, the FEMA Information window, in which you record details about usage for reporting to FEMA.
Daily Log Material Tab
The lower part of the Daily Log window shows the Material tab. This tab lists the material resources to be recorded for the day shown in the Effective Date field and for the work order selected in the upper pane. The tab displays a table with:
- The work orders listed across the top.
The material resources listed along the side. Every resource is included for which there is a Day Card for the current date. (The material list can be augmented using the Edit Selection command, which allows Day Card amounts to be added or edited for any resource.) The units are displayed in the [WO#] Unit column (and can be changed: although you should save before changing a measurement unit in case the system disallows your choice for the new unit, and you should save after changing the unit).
Note: When a material Day Card is created, the default unit is the unit associated with the Master Code for the material. A different, non-default unit can be used if desired. However, the system will attempt to convert the non-default unit to the default unit after approving and saving the Day Card: and if no conversion is provided between the units, then an error will result. You must change the unit you selected to the default unit to approve and save the Day Card. (The default unit is shown in parentheses in the Material Stock column.)- The Day Card amounts shown in the Total column.
Enter the actual hours in the columns with white backgrounds. (The numbers shown above the columns correspond to the numbers shown in the WO# column of the Work Orders pane, which identify a particular work order for time entry.) The cells that have a green background indicate approved Day Cards, and so cannot be changed.
Daily Log Accomplishments Tab
The Accomplishments tab of the Daily Log window shows each work order and the amount of what was accomplished. Typically, an "accomplishment" is the creation of a new piece of equipment or a new material. For example, a work order could be to create asphalt from sand and tar. The Accomplishment tab would show the amount of asphalt created from these raw materials (which would be shown on the Material tab).
Daily Log PO and Contract Costs Tab
The Additional Costs tab of the Daily Log window shows a table of costs that are not for labor, equipment, or materials. Each row of the table shows a different cost type.
Daily Log Inv Items Tab
The Work Target pane in the Inv Items tab displays where the activity of the selected work order will be performed. When multiple locations are displayed, the Pct Work column shows a decimal number corresponding to the percentage of the amount of effort to be expended at that location. (For example, 0.25 in this column indicates that 25% of the work effort will be expended at this location.)
Right-click Shortcut Menu Commands
When you right-click this tab, a shortcut menu is displayed. This menu contains the following command along with the common commands:
- Edit Location by GPS: This command displays a dialog box so you can manually enter a location that you obtain from a GPS device. The dialog box contains four fields: two for longitude (from and to) and two for latitude (from and to). After you supply this information and close the dialog box, the system finds the route, mile point from, and mile point to values that correspond to the entered coordinates and displays them in the selected record.
- Find Inv Item: This command provides a computer-assisted way to change the inventory item of the currently selected record. It displays a dialog box, which lists all inventory items of the work order's asset type. To change the inventory item (in the underlying pane from which the Find Inv Item command was activated), select an inventory item and click OK. To exit this dialog box without changing the work order information, click Cancel.
- Insert All Inv Items from This Location: This command finds all inventory items within the route and mile point boundaries of the selected record and inserts each of them as separate records in this pane. The system inserts the name of an inventory item in the Inventory Item Name column as a hyperlink. You can click this link to display a new window with more detailed information about the inventory item.
- Insert Inv Item(s) from Map: This command displays the GIS (Geographic Info System) Explorer window, from which you can select the inventory item(s) for which the selected work order will be performed. The active layer in the GIS Explorer window is the layer associated with the asset type that was selected when the work order was created: which means you will only be able to use the layer associated with the work order's asset type to select asset-specific inventory items.
Beside the GIS Explorer window is a pane that lists the inventory items selected in the GIS Explorer window. This pane provides a shortcut menu that is displayed by right-clicking the pane. This shortcut menu contains the common commands along with the following special commands:- Add to Selected WO: After selecting one or more inventory item records, this command adds the selected inventory items as records in the Location tab of the Completion window. The window remains open so you can select additional inventory items to add to the selected work order.
- Highlight Feature: This command causes the selected inventory item to be highlighted in the map.
- Insert New Inventory Element: This command is described below.
- Insert Location(s) from Map: This command behaves in the same way as the Insert inv Item(s) from Map command described above, with the exception that the Routes layer is the active layer. This allows you to select one or more locations where the selected work order will be performed.
Insert New Inventory Element: This command allows you to enter a new inventory element directly into the pane. When you select this command, the inventory elements attribute window is displayed. Complete this window and select OK to place the new inventory element in the Location tab.
Note: This command replaces the record you right-clicked to initiate the command. If this is not what you want to happen, first insert a blank record in the pane and then right-click this new record to select the command to insert a new inventory element.- Set From Offset by GPS: When the Online GPS Functionality feature is included in your application, this command is available. Provided the GpsGate Client is installed and running and has obtained a GPS fix on your location (as indicated by the green network symbol in the system tray), this command inserts your current location in the From Offset field of the selected record.
Set To Offset by GPS: This command functions similarly to the Set From Offset by GPS command described above, with the exception that it inserts your current location in the To Offset field of the selected record rather than the From Offset field.
Note: GpsGate Client is freeware that is available from Franson Technology AB. If you do not have it on your machine, the system will ask if you wish to install it when you select one of the commands. See your System Administrator for more information.
Edit Selection Dialog Box
The Edit Selection dialog box allows you to adjust the list of work orders, equipment, or materials shown in the Daily Log window. What is shown in this dialog box differs depending on which pane of the Daily Log window you right-click when selecting the Edit Selection command:
- If you select the command from the Equipment tab, the dialog box shows your equipment shortlist.
- If you select the command from the Material tab, the dialog box shows your materials shortlist.
- If you select the command from the Work Orders pane, the dialog box shows all active work orders for both regular and overhead activities.
To add a resource or work order to the Daily Log window, click the check box in the Select column and select OK.
FEMA Information Window
The FEMA Information window is displayed when you right-click the hours value for a piece of equipment that is assigned to a work order that is marked as FEMA-related (that is, has a check mark in the FEMA Event column of the Work Orders pane) and select FEMA Details. (The work order is marked as FEMA-related in the Work Orders pane of the Day Cards window; you cannot edit this designation in the Daily Log window.)
The FEMA Information window allows you to assign a FEMA equipment classification code to the equipment used in the work order as well as the employee who used the equipment. The information can then be summarized in a Tabular report for reporting to FEMA.
When Equipment Day Card hours are originally filled, the hours are also copied into a FEMA detail record, which is then shown in the FEMA Information window. After this initial filling, any change in the hours for the Equipment Day Card will not be reflected in the FEMA Information window. However, if you change the hours shown in the FEMA Information window, this change will be reflected in the Equipment Day Card (unless the Day Card is already approved, in which case the change is not allowed).
This is particularly important if you enter a Day Card by mistake. If you "delete" the Day Card by changing the hours to zero, this will not also delete the FEMA hours for the equipment. You will need to display the FEMA Information window and set the hours in this window to zero as well. Failure to do this step will result in errors in the Tabular report generated for FEMA reporting.
Note: The inclusion of an employee is informational only. It does not affect anything outside of the FEMA Information window. For example, adding an employee will not cause a Labor Day Card to be created for the employee. This also means that you can still edit the Employee field even though a Day Card is approved (but not the FEMA Class Code or Total Hrs fields).