Performance analysis uses pavement management history information to provide a feedback mechanism to improve the predictive capabilities of pavement performance models. The primary repository for data used in performance analysis is the Performance Master.

The main difference between Performance Master and Network Master is that Performance Master has an EFF_YEAR column, and can be considered an archive or history of the Network Master’s data from each year.

Performance Master typically contains the exact same columns as Network Master, and typically follows the same data aggregation rules. Normally, each year after the Network Master is finalized, the user runs the process to update Performance Master, which will append Network Master’s data to Performance Master.

The Performance Master Data window can be navigated to by following the steps below:

  1. Select Asset Performance in the top banner menu
  2. Select Distress and Condition Indicesfrom the drop-down menu 

The table is named PMSX_PERFORMANCE_MASTER. The columns in the table are almost the same as NETWORK_MASTER, with an addition of EFF_YEAR column.

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