To generate the set of pay periods for the coming year, use the following steps:

  1. Open the Custom Calendars window.
  2. Select the year in the drop-down field at the top of the window.
  3. In the left pane, select the Regular calendar. The right pane shows the days of the year with Saturdays and Sundays set to zero hours. Holidays and other non-working days have not yet been configured.
  4. In the right pane, find each non-working day other than weekends and change the value in the Eff Hours column to zero for the non-working day and if any weekend day is a work day, change the zero value to 8 for this day.
  5. When finished, click .
  6. Open the Pay Periods window.
  7. Right-click the record showing the pay period type being used for pay periods and then click Initial Fill for a Year. The system responds by asking for the year. (The pay period type being used for pay periods is shown in the Employee Pay Period Type window.)
  8. In the dialog box, click the down arrow and select the year for which pay periods are being generated.

    Note: If the year is not shown in the drop-down list, add the year to the SETUP_YEAR table in the database.
  9. Click OK. The system fills the right pane with the pay periods for the selected year.
  10. Click .

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