The 2 time fields (Time the Web Services were invoked and LRS Time given to the web services) should always have the same value and correlate to the time the interface run was initiated. That value is the LRS Time given to the Roads & Highways web services for that run.
The times given to the web services for Last Invoked Time and Last LRS Time will have the same value and be the time from the closest previous log entry with a Status of COMPLETE. That way the interface instructs the web services to give the changes from the last run to the current run.
The Status field can have the following values:
- COMPLETE – The full mode interface ran successfully and is complete.
- RH_INTERFACE_COMPLETE – The test mode interface ran successfully and is complete.
- EXPORT_NETWORK_COMPLETE – The Export Network web service was called successfully but the interface did not complete. See Troubleshooting Interface Runs for help with this.
- ERROR – The interface did not complete successfully. See Troubleshooting Interface Runs for help with this.
The Comments field is not populated by the interface and can be used by the user to add any information they want to attach to a given interface run.