This topic presents an overview of the tables, windows, and calculations that can be controlled by users. These tables often require that you insert a record and then calculate the data values by running the Update Target Table command.

The system supports the following types of tables:

  • Location-referenced data tables
    In this type of table, the data is identified strictly by location (route with "from" and "to" point boundaries). An example of location-referenced data is road surface distress data that is collected by route and start/end mile point. This type of table and the windows associated with it are created via the Tables window, which is found in the Utilities menu of the System module. The data in location-referenced data tables is displayed in two types of windows: data view windows and graph view windows. The data view window shows the data in a tabular format, while the graph view window shows the data along a section of road.
  • Inventory data tables
    In this type of table, the data is primarily identified by its asset ID number, but may also have location associated with it. An example of inventory data without location data is a data table for radios where each radio has its own identification number. An example of inventory data with location data is a data table for intersections in your network where each intersection is identified by intersection name — but also includes a secondary reference by location (that is, the route and mile point where the intersection is located). This type of table is first created in the Asset Type window by specifying the name of the inventory table and then the windows associated with it are created via the Tables window. Inventory data tables are displayed via a data view window specifically for inventory that is supported by status and class code windows. (If the implementation also includes a maintenance management system, two additional windows for periodic maintenance are also associated with the inventory data table.)
  • Generic data tables
    These are tables that are defined by the user in the Tables window. They are used for a wide variety of purposes specific to a particular implementation.
  • Derived data tables
    In this type of table, all data values are calculated from other data sources. For example, all records and information in the Pavement Structure window comes from the data shown in the Construction History window. The windows used for derived data tables are those used for location-referenced data tables, which are described above.
    Records are inserted into this type of window in one of the following three ways (with a particular method selected during system implementation):
    • By system job
    • By dynamic segmentation
    • By finest partition

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