To sell materials belonging to your administrative unit, follow these steps:

  1. In the Stock List pane, locate the stock item to be sold. Right-click this stock item and select Sell From This Stock. This creates a sale record in the Transactions pane.
  2. In the new record in the Transactions pane, click in the Full Amount column and enter the amount to be sold.
  3. If necessary, tab to the Measurement Unit column, click the down arrow, and select the desired unit. Note that the system automatically converts between units.
  4. Tab to the Unit Cost column and enter the unit cost for the item to be sold.
  5. Tab to the Comments column and enter any desired notes on the sale (organization sold to, etc.).
  6. Click . The sales transaction is now pending.
  7. When the stock item is shipped, complete the transaction by clicking the check box in the Accepted column.
  8. Click . The sales transaction is now complete.
  9. Click . The system updates the current amount in the Stock List window for the stock item.
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