Material can be transferred between administrative units in the same agency that use this system. In contrast, receiving and selling are between an administrative unit and an outside vendor (for example, from a user of this system to an entity outside the system).

The system supports two material transfer processes. The first type is between warehouses in different administrative units, which requires two approvals (one to fulfill and one to accept). The second type is between your warehouse and a stockpile that belongs to your administrative unit, which only requires one approval (fulfillment). This topic describes the first type. See Transfer Materials to a Stockpile for the procedure on performing the second type.

To transfer material from one warehouse (the "source yard") to another warehouse (the "destination yard"), a three-step process is required. The first process is for the destination yard to request the material from the source yard by creating a transfer-in transaction:

  1. In the Stock List pane, locate the material to be requested.
  2. Right-click the desired material, and select Ask For Transfer From This Stock. A new record is added to the Transactions pane.
  3. In the new record in the Transactions pane, click in the Full Amount column and enter the amount requested.
  4. If necessary, tab to the Measurement Unit column, click the down arrow and select the desired unit. Note that the system automatically converts between units.
  5. Repeat steps 2 through 4 for any additional materials to be requested.
  6. When all transaction-in records are created, click .

The second part of the process is for the source yard to fulfill the requesting yard's request. The next time that the source yard opens the Resources module, they will receive a message that materials are requested from them by the destination yard. The source yard then completes the request as follows:

  1. Navigate to the Materials Management window and display the list of materials.
  2. If you wish to transfer the requested stock item, select the check box in the Fulfilled column for the request.
  3. Repeat step 2 for all requests. When all requests are fulfilled, click .
  4. Click . Note that in the Stock List pane the current amount value does not change even though the request is fulfilled. This is because the requester has not yet accepted the transfer of materials. This will be accomplished in the next part of the process.

The third, and last, part of the process is for the requesting yard to acknowledge receipt of the material. The next time the requesting yard opens the Resources module, they will receive a message that their request for material was fulfilled. The requesting yard then completes the transfer as follows:

  1. Navigate to the Materials Management window and display the list of materials.
  2. In the row showing the requested materials in the Transactions pane, click the check box in the Accepted column.
  3. Repeat step 2 for all requests. When all requests are accepted, click .
  4. Click . Note that in the Stock List pane the current amount value for both the requesting yard and source yard are updated.
Note: The records in the Transactions pane will remain as an historical record of transfers.
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