The Work Order (WO) from Work Requests window contains three panes:
- Work Requests Pane: The top pane shows work requests associated with your administrative unit.
- Work Orders Pane: The bottom left pane shows WOs created from work requests.
- Work Target Pane: The lower right pane shows the locations where the work will be performed.
Work Requests Pane
The pane at the top of the window shows work requests assigned to your administrative unit that have not yet been turned into WOs and which are not duplicates of other work requests.
Create a pending WO for a work request by right-clicking the work request record to display the shortcut menu and select Issue Work. See Create a Work Order from a Work Request for more information on creating a WO in this window.
Work Orders Pane
The Work Orders pane shows pending WOs for your administrative unit. Once a WO is activated, it will no longer be displayed in this window.
The information shown for a WO identifies what, when, and where an activity is to be performed: and for what asset. It also shows the funding source for the WO (notice that the Plan Amount column, which shows the dollar amount allocated to this WO, is required). The locations where the WO will be performed or the inventory items for which the activity of the WO will be performed (or both) are shown in the Work Target pane.
Actions and Right-click Context Menu Commands
When you right-click a pending WO, the system displays a shortcut menu. This shortcut menu contains the following special commands in addition to the common commands:
Activate WO: This command issues the selected WO. After saving and refreshing the Issue WOs from Work Requests window, the WO will be removed from this window. It will then be available in the Day Cards and Daily Log windows.
Note: This command is usually available. However, when the REQUIRED column is set to 1 for WW_COLUMNS in PLAN_AMOUNT, then a value must be in the Planned Amount column for the command to be available.- Edit Dates: Immediately after activating a WO, this command is available and it allows you to change when the WO will be performed and what calendar is used to determine working and non-working days. (This command is not available for pending WOs.)
Work Target Pane
The Work Target pane displays where the activity of the selected WO will be performed. When multiple locations are displayed, the Pct Work column shows a decimal number corresponding to the percentage of the amount of effort to be expended at that location. (For example, 0.25 in this column indicates that 25% of the work effort will be expended at this location.)
Actions and Right-click Context Menu Commands
When you right-click this tab, the system displays a shortcut menu. This menu contains the following commands along with the common commands:
- Edit Location by GPS: This command displays a dialog box so you can manually enter a location that you obtain from a GPS device. The dialog box contains four fields: two for longitude (from and to) and two for latitude (from and to). After you supply this information and close the dialog box, the system finds the route, mile point from , and mile point to values that correspond to the entered coordinates and displays them in the selected record.
- Find Inv Item: This command provides a computer-assisted way to change the inventory item of the currently selected record. It displays a dialog box, which lists all inventory items of the WO's asset type. To change the inventory item (in the underlying pane from which the Find Inv Item command was activated), select an inventory item and click OK. To exit this dialog box without changing the WO information, click Cancel.
- Insert All Inv Items from This Location: This command finds all inventory items within the route and mile point boundaries of the selected record and inserts each of them as separate records in this pane. The system inserts the name of an inventory item in the Inventory Item Name column as a hyperlink. You can click this link to display a new window with more detailed information about the inventory item.
- Insert Inv Item(s) from Map: This command displays the GIS (Geographic Info System) Explorer window, from which you can select the inventory item(s) for which the selected WO will be performed. The active layer in the GIS Explorer window is the layer associated with the asset type that was selected when the WO was created: which means you will only be able to use the layer associated with the WO's asset type to select asset-specific inventory items.
Beside the GIS Explorer window is a pane that lists the inventory items selected in the GIS Explorer window. This pane provides a shortcut menu that is displayed by right-clicking the pane. This shortcut menu contains the common commands along with the following special commands:- Add to Selected WO: After selecting one or more inventory item records, this command adds the selected inventory items as records in the Location tab of the Completion window. The window remains open so you can select additional inventory items to add to the selected WO.
- Highlight Feature: This command causes the selected inventory item to be highlighted in the map.
- Insert New Inventory Element: This command allows you to enter a new inventory element directly into the pane. When you select this command, the system displays the inventory elements attribute window. Complete this window and select OK to place the new inventory element in the Location tab.
- Insert Location(s) from Map: This command behaves in the same way as the Insert inv Item(s) from Map command described above, with the exception that the Routes layer is the active layer. This allows you to select one or more locations where the selected WO will be performed.
Insert New Inventory Element: This command allows you to enter a new inventory element directly into the pane. When you select this command, the system displays the inventory elements attribute window. Complete this window and select OK to place the new inventory element in the Location tab.
Note: This command replaces the record you right-clicked to initiate the command. If this is not what you want to happen, first insert a blank record in the pane and then right-click this new record and select Insert New Inventory Element.- Set From Offset by GPS: When the Online GPS Functionality feature is included in your application, this command is available. Provided the GpsGate Client is installed and running and has obtained a GPS fix on your location (as indicated by the green network symbol in the system tray), this command inserts your current location in the From Offset field of the selected record.
Set To Offset by GPS: This command functions similarly to the Set From Offset by GPS command described above, with the exception that it inserts your current location in the To Offset field of the selected record rather than the From Offset field.
Note: GpsGate Client is freeware that is available from Franson Technology AB. If you do not have it on your machine, the system will ask if you wish to install it when you select one of the commands. See your System Administrator for more information.
Insert Locations Directly
When a WO is created, the wizard that creates the WO also requests a location. The location is therefore inserted at the same time as the new, pending WO. However, if desired, additional locations can be inserted in this pane by right-clicking and selecting Insert. The system then inserts a new record in this pane and you can complete the record as required.
Insert Locations from a Map
To insert one or more locations from a map, use the following steps:
- Right-click in the Work target pane and select Insert Location(s) from Map. The system displays the GIS Explorer window.
- In the GIS Explorer window, manipulate the map image to display the desired location.
- Click the icon and then drag the mouse to draw a box around the area on the map in which the desired location is found. After releasing the mouse key, the system displays all locations found in the area you defined in the Selected Features pane.
- In the Selected Features pane, right-click and select Add to Selected WO. The system sends all locations shown in the Selected Features pane to the Work Target pane. The GIS Explorer window remains open so you can selected additional locations.
- If you wish to select additional locations, repeat these steps. Otherwise, close the GIS Explorer window.
Insert Inv. Items from a Map
To insert one or more inventory items from a map, use the following steps:
- Right-click in the Work target pane and select Insert Inv Item(s) from Map. The system displays the GIS Explorer window with the active theme being the theme that contains the inventory items associated with the activity of the WO.
- In the GIS Explorer window, manipulate the map image to display the desired location of the inventory items.
- Click the icon and then drag the mouse to draw a box around the area on the map in which the desired inventory items are found. After releasing the mouse key, the system displays all inventory items found in the area you defined in the Selected Features pane.
- In the Selected Features pane, right-click and select Add to Selected WO. The system sends all inventory items shown in the Selected Features pane to the Work Target pane. The GIS Explorer window remains open so you can selected additional inventory items.
- If you wish to select additional inventory items, repeat these steps. Otherwise, close the GIS Explorer window.