The Costs Accomplishments tab deals with Day Cards associated with activity accomplishments and direct costs. (Direct costs are any costs that are not captured directly under labor, equipment, or material Day Cards. Such costs may arise from, for example, purchases made on the way to the job site or overhead costs later distributed to work orders.)
Costs Pane
This pane lists the direct costs associated with the work order selected in the Work Orders pane. Costs are assigned by date and cost type. You can approve, or disapprove, an individual entry in this pane by selecting, or clearing, the check box in the Approved column. Alternately, you can select a group of costs (by SHIFT+click for rows that are together or CTRL+click for non-adjacent rows) and then right-click. This displays the following special commands:
- Approve Selected: If you have sufficient authority, you can use this command to approve all selected direct costs.
- Delete Selected: This command deletes all selected direct costs.
- Disapprove Selected: If you have sufficient authority, you can use this command to disapprove all direct costs.
Accomplishments Pane
This pane lists the activity accomplishment day cards for the selected work order. You can approve, or disapprove, an individual accomplishment in this pane by selecting, or clearing, the check box in the Approved column. Alternately, you can select a group of accomplishments (by SHIFT+click for rows that are together or CTRL+click for non-adjacent rows) and then right-click. This displays the following special commands:
- Approve Selected: If you have sufficient security, you can use this command to approve all selected accomplishments.
- Delete Selected: This command deletes all selected accomplishments.
- Disapprove Selected: If you have sufficient security, you can use this command to disapprove all accomplishments.
Note: Costs for Accomplishment day cards are only calculated for contract work orders; they are not calculated for work orders associated with in-house projects. The cost is derived by multiplying the work order's quantity by the unit cost of the work order's activity, which is taken from the Activities pane of the Issue Contract window: unless the activity and one or more inventory elements are the same for the work order and the Contract Plan line items. In this case, the unit cost is taken from the matching Contract Plan line items (the unit cost being the sum of the costs for all matching line items divided by the sum of the quantities for all matching line items).
Contracts Pane
The Contracts pane may also appear in the Accomplishments tab. This pane lists the contract day cards for the selected work order. You can approve, or disapprove, an individual accomplishment in this pane by selecting, or clearing, the check box in the Approved column. Alternately, you can select a group of contracts (by SHIFT+click for rows that are together or CTRL+click for non-adjacent rows) and then right-click. This displays the following special commands:
- Approve Selected: If you have sufficient security, you can use this command to approve all selected accomplishments.
- Delete Selected: This command deletes all selected accomplishments.
- Disapprove Selected: If you have sufficient security, you can use this command to disapprove all accomplishments.